
Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Wednesday 2nd September 2015

Dark-phase Arctic Skua flew over Great Gate this evening (RSu)

Blithfield Res
Ringtail Hen Harrier over Blithe Bay at 15:18 but no late sign late afternoon (RCB) - Common Crane still, Little Egret and Black Tern at deep end (GHa) - 61x Ringed Plover, 3x Sanderling, 2x Greenshank, 6x Dunlin, 4x LR Plover, 2x Whinchat, Little Owl, 5x Spotted Flycatcher, c30 Siskin, 2x Kingfisher (RCB GJM SE HF) - 2x Osprey, Black-tailed Godwit, 2x Common Sandpiper (RBe)

Belvide Res
Osprey flew west at 07:00 (as per Brewoodringers). Also Redstart, Lesser Whitethroat, 7x Common Sandpipers, 77x Shoveler, 52x Gadwall, Hobby (@BelvideBirder)

Hobby, 4x Swift, 2x Spotted Fly (SR). Nearby Tree Pipit in field with manure heap along Fullmoor Lane just east of Fullmoor Abbey Cottage (SR)

Middleton Lakes RSPB
Garganey, 2x Wood Sandpiper, 2x Ruff (TVB)

Cannock Chase
2x Hobby, 2x Spotted Flycatcher, Raven, 2x Painted Lady (JWo)
No sign of the Wryneck by 09:15, 5x Whinchat, 4x Redstart, 4x Spotted Flycatcher, Wheatear (RT NDP)