
Monday 30 September 2019

Monday 30th September 2019

Stoke (South Handford farm)
Whinchat, 15x Lapwing, (RGi)

Ring-necked Parakeet calling in trees in trees along the canal at Festival Park, (JBr)

Visible migration session produced another good passage of 2285x Meadow Pipits, also 2x overhead Wheatears which is unusual here. Amongst common migrants over were 42x Skylark, 9x Redwing, 10x Siskin, 78x Chaffinch, 17x Linnet, 11x Greenfinch, 3x Reed Bunting,  (NDP, RTo, DWa)  - 3x Whinchat, 7x Stonechat in the paddocks, (SE, HF)  -  2x Wheatear present on the top slag mound.

Whinchat by Steve Edwards

Blithfield Resv (WMBC members only)
Little Owl, Little Egret, Wigeon, Shoveler, (DBa)

Branston GPs
Common Sandpiper, 3x Green Sandpiper, 2x Ringed Plover, Dunlin, 7x Snipe, 67x Pochard, 17x Wigeon, 36x Gadwall, 77x Shoveler, 115x Teal, Mandarin, 89x Little Grebe, Great White Egret, 10x Little Egret, Cetti's Warbler, (JWo)