
Friday 25 October 2019

Friday 25th October 2019

Branston GPs
Long-tailed Duck still Ashy pit and the Cattle Egret still in the nearby sheep field, 11x Little Egret, 58x Golden Plover, 3x Ruff, 6x Green Sandpiper, Redshank, 13x Curlew, 148x Lapwing, 13x Snipe, 2x Pintail, Goldeneye, 103x Pochard, 160x Teal, 62x Shoveler, 6x Gadwall, 55x Little Grebe, 2x Water Rail, 2x Stonechat, 66x Collared Dove,  (DSc, JWo)

Middleton Lakes
5x Great White Egret, and 62x Little Egret in the riverside roost, (MercianBirding)

8x Brambling, 181x Chaffinch over, (NDP, RTo, DWa)