
Friday 22 November 2019

Friday 22nd November 2019

Middleton Lakes
3x Ruff on JW to 09:55 only, 6x Goldeneye, Pintail, 4x Snipe, Great White Egret, (MSm)  -  also 2x Pochard, 2x Stonechat and a flyover Egyptian Geese, (SAt)

Doxey Marsh
2x Great White Egret, (NGR)

Whitemoor Haye
14x Pink-footed Geese at 13:15, (CEc)

Croxall Lakes
Brambling, Redshank, Little Egret, Goosander, Green Woodpecker, (CEc)

Trentham Gardens
2x Pochard, Goosander, (MJW)

Ad Caspian Gull, 2x ad YL Gull in roost

Branston GPs
6x Redshank, 2x Dunlin, 17x Curlew, 159x Lapwing, 3x Goldeneye, 87x Pochard, 63x Teal, 2x Little Egret, 2x YL Gull, 2x Common Gull, 3x GBB Gull, 32x Little Grebe, c4500x Starling, 2x Green Woodpecker, (JWo)