
Friday 27 December 2019

Friday 27th December 2019

Cannock Chase
121x Reed Bunting between Katyn memorial and the German cemetary, (CDa)

Hixon airfield
185x Skylark, 25x Golden Plover, Stonechat, 40x Linnet, 12x Reed Bunting, (RSw)

Middleton Lakes
2x GBB Gull, YL Gull, 2x Great White Egret, 3x Goldeneye, Pochard, Stonechat, 4x Water Rail, (MSm)

Westport Lake
Fem Common Scoter, 18x Pochard, 2x Goldeneye, 7x Goosander,

Doxey Marsh
2x Great White Egret, 2x Little Egret, 2x Water Pipit, Pink-footed Goose, Common Gull, 2x Stonechat, 31x Gadwall, 2x Water Rail, (SE, HF)

3w Caspian Gull, 2x YL Gull in the roost

Great White Egret, Little Egret, Goosander, (MSc)

Ring-necked Parakeet over the golf club car park at 11:00, (Anita)