
Friday 10 January 2020

Friday 10th January 2020

Doxey Marsh
3x Water Pipit, 3x Great Egret, 3x Little Egret, Pink-footed Goose, 2x Egyptian Geese, Pochard, 2x Goosander, 2x Common Gull, 5x Snipe, Stonechat, Cetti's Warbler, (GPr)

Tittesworth Water
73x Pink-footed Geese over NW at 11:44, (SGi)

Whitemoor Haye
Firecrest still at entrance to Rodige farm, (BPu)  -  210x Wigeon, 46x Pochard, 17x Goldeneye, 394x Greylag Geese, 2x Egyptian Geese, (DAb)  -  Elford North pit 5x Goosander, (DAb)

Middleton Lakes
5x Great Egret roosted riverside, 2x Green Sandpiper, 10x Goosander, (MercianBirding)  -  7x Little Egret, 8x Goldeneye, 90x Wigeon, 4x Pochard, Barn Owl, 3x Water Rail,  Stonechat, 

160x Pink-footed Geese over NNW at 11:15, (PBe)

Branston WP
2x Pochard, Goosander, 30x Gadwall, 6x Wigeon, (JWo)

Barton Marina
4x Pochard, 40x Wigeon, (JWo)

Tittesworth Water
Little Egret, Barnacle Goose, 3x Willow Tit, 8x Common Gull,  3x Pochard, 7x Goosander, (SGi)

Trentham Estate
60x Lapwing in field at bottom of Tittensor Hill, (AR)