
Monday 27 January 2020

Monday 27th January 2020

Middleton Lakes
2x Pintail, 8x Goldeneye, Great Egret, 17x Shelduck, (KSa)

Newcastle (Basford)
Waxwing on Shelton New Road by Collis Avenue but no further sign by 13:30, (BCa, LCa,)

Doxey Marsh
Great Egret, 4x Little Egret, 420x Lapwing, 18x Gadwall, (GPr)  -  Peregrine, (DCo)

3x Whooper Swan still opposite Newlkands Lane, (CEc)

Trentham Gardens
2x Little Egret, Goosander, (DEm)

Ad Iceland Gull, 1w Caspian Gull, 3x YL Gull in the roost  -  Red-crested Pochard still

Stoke on Trent
4x Waxwing relocated on the south side of Cockster Brook/Longton Brook from bottom of Longton Hall Road or Louise Drive, (JEv)