
Saturday 25 January 2020

Saturday 25th January 2020

Stoke on Trent
4x Waxwing again at John Marston car park on Longton Hall Road at 08:30, (NDP)

By Phil Wain

Blithfield Resv (WMBC members only)
4x Pintail over the dam also Golden Plover, (GJM)

2x probable Great Egrets flew over west at 09:25, (RSu)

Doxey Marsh
Pintail, Shelduck, 22x Shoveler, 8x Gadwall, 2x Goosander, Great Egret, 2x Little Egret, 400x Lapwing, 2x Snipe, 2x Cetti's Warbler, 8x Greenfinch, (GPr)

Middleton Lakes
2x Great Egret, 3x Goldeneye, 

Whitfield Valley
6x Little Egret down stream from the iron bridge, (JJo)

Woodcock again at back of old school NE of small pool, 2x Willow Tit, (IBu)

Cannock Tip
Ad Iceland Gull, 2x Caspian Gull, Ad YL Gull,

Ad Iceland Gull, 1w Caspian Gull,  and 3x YL Gull in the roost, Red-crested Pochard 

Tittesworth Water
22x Snipe, 3x Pochard, 2x Mandarin, 9x Goosander, 11x Lapwing, 3x Barnacle Geese, (SG, WLH, IB, CT,)

Wetley Moor
2x Willow Tit, (DBl)