
Sunday 19 January 2020

Sunday 19th January 2020

Doxey Marsh
2x Oystercatcher, (GPr)

200x Pink-footed Geese over N in 4 skeins mid morning also 2x Stonechat still, (IBu)

High Lane
60x Pink-footed Geese over N, (SGi)

Croxden Quarry
136 x Pink-footed Geese in two skeins over NW at 11:20-11:25, (RPo)

Whitemoor Haye
Firecrest showing well, female Merlin from Sittles bend, (TPe)

80x Pink-footed Geese over NW at 10:45, (TEy)

2x Redshank, Ruff, 2x Oystercatcher, Little Egret, (CEc)

3x Whooper Swan still east of the B5014 viewed from Newlands Lane junction, (BAS, AMS,)

Middleton Lakes
2x Great Egret, 3x Goldeneye, 2x Egyptian Geese, 4x Shelduck, Stonechat, (CNo)  -  also 2x Little Egret, 150x Lapwing, (LO4)

Knypersley Resv
110x Pink-footed Geese flew N  at 10:50, 6x Goosander on the lake, Willow Tit and 2x Woodcock by the  Osier beds, (GBr)

Branston GPs
3x Little Egret, 180x Lapwing, 12x Golden Plover, 11x Curlew, 4x Snipe, Ad YL Gull, 3x GBB Gull, 52x Wigeon, 30x Shoveler, 6x Shelduck, 2x Egyptian Geese, Green Woodpecker, (DSc)