
Monday 10 February 2020

Monday 10th February 2020

Middleton Lakes
Great Egret, 2x Oystercatcher, 15x Shelduck, (KSa)

2x Whooper Swan still opposite end of Newlands Lane also 4x Little Egret, (PFo)

Tittesworth Water
2x Little Egret, 3x Pochard, 8x Goosander, 16x Lapwing, 6x Snipe, 4x Oystercatcher, 3x Barnacle Geese, (SGi)

2x Iceland Gull, ad Med Gull, 2x ad YL Gull in the roost

Branston GPs
4x Ruff, Redshank, Green Sandpiper, 17x Curlew, 12x Snipe, 5x Oystercatcher, 174x Golden Plover, 256x Lapwing, 2x Water Rail, 168x Teal, 82x Wigeon, 33x Shoveler, 16x Gadwall, 15x Pochard, 2x Egyptian Geese, 18x Little Grebe, 4x GBB Gull, 3x YL Gull, 4x Common Gull, 2x Stonechat, Barn Owl, 2x Green Woodpecker, 12x Skylark, (JWo)

By Jon Woodcock
