
Thursday 27 February 2020

Thursday 27th February 2020

Doxey Marsh (Wellies essential, no access to Octagonal hide)
Pink-footed Goose, 2x Little Egret, Stonechat, (GPr)  -  160x Golden Plover and 150x Lapwing west of the motorway (DCo)

Trentham Gardens 
2x Dipper this morning,  (MWi)

Cannock Chase
Woodlark, 3x Crossbill, Woodcock, (DBa)

Hanley Park
3x Goosander, (AR)

Churnet Valley Cheddleton
4x Mandarin, 3x Snipe, 2x Oystercatcher, Barn Owl, c600 Jackdaw, (DSc)

Branston GPs
2x Ringed Plover, 3x Green Sandpiper, 7x Oystercatcher, 4x Curlew, 117x Lapwing, 28x Pochard, 3x Goldeneye, 19x Shelduck, 19x Gadwall, 80x Teal, 18x Wigeon, 22x Shoveler, 2x Egyptian Geese, 26x Little Grebe, 8x Little Egret, 2x Green Woodpecker, 58x Pied Wagtail, (JWo)

4x Willow Tit, (PGu)

Middleton Lakes
Great Egret, Pochard, 12x Shelduck, 3x Oystercatcher, (MSm)

Ad Iceland Gull in the roost