
Tuesday 25 February 2020

Tuesday 25th February 2020

The West Midland Bird Club Stafford Branch is asking for volunteers to assist in the final year of the National Willow Tit Survey between late Feb and early April in 2020. The club has undertaken surveys around the county last year, but more help is needed to cover more parts of the county to search for this elusive species. It has declined nationally by around 90% since the 1970s and though Staffordshire seems to  be holding on to them, it is vital that we can find out as much as we can so that we get as complete a picture within the county as possible.
Please get in touch if you are in  interested in volunteering.  
Contact Nick Pomiankowski, Staffordshire County Bird Recorder at; or Jonathan Groom, Monitoring Officer
at Staffordshire Wildlife Trust at

River Sow Meadows
2x Green Sandpiper, 12x Snipe, 2x Stonechat, 50x Teal, (RSw)

Middleton Lakes
2x Curlew over north, Great Egret, 5x Pochard, Goosander, 7x Shelduck, 2x Egyptian Geese, 4x Oystercatcher, Stonechat, (MSm)

Gailey Resv
2x Goldeneye, 5x Gadwall, (HKi)

Trentham Gardens
Great Egret in the Heronry, (HF, SE,)  -  still at 14:55 but elusive also 2x Oystercatcher, (PFo)

Belvide Resv (WMBC members only)
Fem Scaup still, Common Sandpiper, 27x Snipe, 4x Oystercatcher, Goldeneye, Pochard, 11x Shelduck, 

Cannock Tip
Red Kite over west,

Green Sandpiper, Curlew over, 11x Snipe, 111x Lapwing, Little Owl, 88x Teal, 18x Wigeon, 3x Mandarin, 2x Shelduck, Goosander, 2x Stonechat, Grey Wagtail, (DCo)

Tittesworth Water
10x Curlew, 21x Snipe, 12x Lapwing, 3x Oystercatcher, 5x Common Gull, 3x Willow Tit, (JOa, CT)

Ad Iceland Gull, ad YL Gull,