
Wednesday 5 February 2020

Wednesday 5th February 2020

10x Whooper Swan flew on to main lake at 09:57, (GHa)

New Landywood Pool
47x Wigeon, 14x Lapwing, 2x GBB Gull, (JJO)

Gailey Resv
4x Goldeneye, 2x Pochard, 2x Oystercatcher, Shelduck, (HKi)y

Doxey Marsh
Great Egret, 2x Little Egret, 8x Snipe, Common Gull, 3x Stonechat, 4x Cetti's Warbler, 7x Water Rail, 100x Lapwing, (DBa)

Red Kite at 13:00, (GSt)

By Gill Stew

2x Whooper Swan in flooded field near south lake, (GSt)

Branston GPs
2x Ruff, 12x Golden Plover, 3x Oystercatcher, 12x Curlew, 200x Lapwing, 46x Shoveler, 16x Pochard, 13x Shelduck, 70x Wigeon, 100x Teal, 2x Egyptian Geese, Little Egret, YL Gull, 2x GBB Gull, (JWo)

Branston North Pit
5x Little Egret, 60x Wigeon, 80x Teal, (JWo)

2x Oystercatcher, 2x Goosander, 9x Pochard, (JWo)

Branston Water Park
No sign of the LT Duck, 30x Gadwall, (JWo)