
Saturday 21 March 2020

Saturday 21st March 2020

Gailey Resv
4x Sand Martin over,  80x Golden Plover, Peregrine, 3x Chiffchaff, and at Otherton a Wheatear, (SRi)

Alrewas Junction Pit/ Arboretum
10x Little Egret, Great Egret, Cetti's Warbler, 2x Redshank, 4x Oystercatcher, 12x Goosander, 2x Shelduck over, (SCo)

Trentham Gardens
26x Whooper Swan on the lake at 09:55, (DFo)  -  still at 14:00 also Sand Martin thru, 2x ad YL Gull, 2x Oystercatcher, Little Egret, (RGi)  -  Whooper Swans headed off north, seen over Clayton Wood at 17:45, (RGi)

Middleton Lakes
7x Avocet, 2x Redshank, 7x Oystercatcher, Black-tailed Godwit, 2x Pintail, Goldeneye, (DCo, PAn)

Doxey Marsh
7x Little Egret, 4x Oystercatcher, Common Gull, 6x Chiffchaff, (GPr)  -  12x Little Egret in flight together past the Octagonal hide, 2x Sand Martin, 150x Teal, 5x Goosander, 5x Shoveler, and west of the M6, 3x LRP, Great Egret, (DCo)  -  also 2x Great Egret, 2x Gadwall, 4x Shoveler, (KLe)

Goosanders by Kath Leigh

Belvide Resv (WMBC members only)
Ruff, imm/fem Scaup still, 13x Sand Martin, LRP, 

Fem Marsh Harrier flew east at 09:15,

Drayton Bassett
Red Kite over at 12:20,

Uttoxeter Quarry
LRP, 4x Green Sandpiper, 2x Goldeneye, 38x Teal, 3x Chiffchaff, (RPo)

Burslem Park
15x Goosander, (PMo)

8x Golden Plover, (JOa)

Tree Sparrow, 2x Redpoll, (TEy)

Whitemoor Haye
4x Corn Bunting, 2x LRP, 2x Oystercatcher, Green Sandpiper, 10x Goldeneye, 3x Goosander, 10x Wigeon, 19x Shoveler, 2x GBB Gull, Cetti'w Warbler, (SCo)

Branston GPs
Long-tailed Duck, Goldeneye, 10x Curlew, 13x Oystercatcher, 3x Redshank, 3x Black-tailed Godwit, Ringed Plover, 4x LRP, 20x Shelduck, 32x Gadwall, 40x Wigeon, 24x Shoveler, 8x Chiffchaff, 2x Cettis's Warbler. (DSc)

4x Shelduck, 20x Wigeon, c80 Sand Martin, 12x  Linnet, (DSc)