
Wednesday 11 March 2020

Wednesday 11th March 2020

Middleton Lakes
18x Black-tailed Godwit, 5x Redshank, 4x Oystercatcher, 4x Goldeneye, 6x Chiffchaff, (MSm)

2x YL Gull in the roost

Branston GPs
18x Black-tailed Godwit (Ashy Sheep Field), Long-tailed Duck (Black Meadows) 2x Ringed Plover, 4x Ruff, 5x Redshank, 41x Lapwing, 8x Curlew, 4x Oystercatcher, 4x Goldeneye, 19x Shelduck, 25x Gadwall, 40x Wigeon, 6x Little Egret, 17x Little Grebe, 3x Chiffchaff singing, Green Woodpecker, 5x Buff-tailed Bumblebee. (JWo)

Black-tailed Godwits by Jon Woodcock

3x Stonechat still, Willow Tit and Little Egret still on Botteslow, (DWa)