
Saturday 4 April 2020

Saturday 4th April 2020

Berryhill Botteslow Flash  -  observations during local walk
2x Shelduck present at 06:45, (RTo)  -  LNR vis mig - 143x Fieldfare over NE in three flocks.

House Martin over the house, Whimbrel over low at 22:40, (SRi)

Florence Hill park
2x Willow Tit, (AMa)

Amington - near Loggerheads
Willow Warbler and Blackcap, (JWi)

4x Mandarin over, (RPo)

Kidsgrove - Bathpool
Common Sandpiper, 2x Grey Wagtail, (DVe)

Rocester - JCB lake
4x Oystercatcher, (JDr)

Deep Hayes CP - car park still closed
Imm/fem Scaup still on first pool also Green Woodpecker, (DSc) - accessed by cycle

Churnet Valley
2x Sand Martin, 2x Oystercatcher, 4x Lapwing, Willow Tit, 12x Chiffchaff, Blackcap, 20x Fieldfare, Grey Wagtail, (DSc) - accessed by cycle

36x Fieldfare over, (JDu)

6x Swallow over, (PDo)

Smestow Valley
2x LRP, Little Egret, 2x Lapwing, (CVa)

Pool Hall
4x Swallow, Willow Warbler, (CVa)

Baldwins Gate
2x Brambling, White Wagtail, Blackcap, (RWh)

Holden Lane Pool
Willow Warbler, (JOa)

Red Kite near the A50, (ILo)