
Wednesday 8 April 2020

Wednesday 8th April 2020

Good numbers of Chiffchaffs around in all suitable habitats, Willow Warblers and singing Blackcaps increasing. New migrants today were Ring Ouzel, Pied Flycatcher, Sedge Warbler and Whitethroat

Whitethroat a new arrival early morning. (RTo)

6x Yellowhammer, (SMcN)

Willow Warbler, Blackcap at Basford, (PCa)

Halfpenny Green
Morning walk produced a Ring Ouzel, Wheatear, 2x Swallow, 2x Willow Warbler, (MMo)

2x Swallow over, (GHa)

Barton under Needwood
Blackcap, Orange Tip also 4x Hairy-footed Bees, (JWo)

Branston GPs
2x Sedge Warbler at Black Meadows, 6x Willow Warbler, 4x Blackcap, 100x Sand Martin, 4x Green Woodpecker, Peregrine, 5x Cramp Ball Fungus Weevil (JWo)

Sedge Warbler by Jon Woodcock

Cramp Ball Fungus Weevil by Jon Woodcock

Churnet Valley
Pied Flycatcher, (ALi)