
Friday 1 May 2020

Friday 1st May 2020

Doxey Marsh
5x Dunlin, 4x LRP, Curlew, Peregrine, Gropper, Cetti's Warblers, (MBo)

Knypersley Resv
Common Sandpiper, Mandarin, 2x Water Rail, Garden Warbler, (GBr)

18x Wheatear early morning, Whimbrel over low calling at 22:40 and at Botteslow 3x LRP, Yellow Wagtail, 2x Grey Wagtail, (RTo)

Landywood Pool

Hobby over garden, (SSe)

Almington (near Loggerheads)
4x Mandarin, House Martins, Green Woodpecker, (JWi)

2x Dipper, 2x Yellow Wagtail, 20x House Martin, (JDr)

Swift over at 14:15, (DVi)

Branston GPs
Long-tailed Duck still, 27x Dunlin, 15x Ringed Plover, 17x LRP, 4x Redshank, 11x Oystercatcher, 20x Lapwing, 4x White Wagtail, 4x Yellow Wagtail, 100x Swift, 200x House Martin, 200x Sand Martin, (JWo)

Baldwins Gate
8x Wheatear, Sedge Warbler, (RWh)

Cannock Chase
Nightjar found in a puddle and taken into care