
Friday 29 May 2020

Friday 29th May 2020

Blithfield Reservoir is as of today open to members of the WMBC. Hides/Toilets remain closed. If visiting please comply with the government's Covid 19 recommendations on social distancing and use of hand sanitiser etc.

2-3x Red Kite over this morning, (JMa, MJW)

Wetley Rocks 
Red Kite over field as tractor cuts grass

Downs Banks
2x Spotted Flycatcher, Garden Warbler, 2x Grey Wagtail, (TRo)

Biddulph Moor top road
Curlew and 3x Lapwing, (PGL)

5x Little Egret, Common Tern, 2x Wigeon, (MSc)

Branston GPs
2x Black-tailed Godwit,  20x Lapwing, 13x Shelduck, 42x Gadwall, 15x Pochard (m), 4x Shoveler (m), 2x Mandarin (m), 2x Egyptian Geese +3 juvs, 24x GC Grebe, 24x Little Grebe +1 chick, 5x Little Egret, 4x Common Tern, 4x Cetti's Warbler, 4x Garden Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat, 5x Large Skipper - 1st this year, 3x Black-tailed Skimmer, 1x Chicken of the Woods (Black Meadows Wood), 94x Southern Marsh Orchid. (JWo)

Biddulph-Mow Cop
Red Kite off Akesmore Lane, (MBy)