
Saturday 9 May 2020

Saturday 9th May 2020

Wood Lane-Bignall Hill
Cuckoo, Green Woodpecker, Garden Warbler, (KAs)

 2x Swift over Campbell Road, (ASt)

Chase Terrace
Red Kite over Ironstone Road at 11:10, (SMG)

Walton-Baswich (along the canal)
Grasshopper Warbler, 2x Garden Warbler, 5x Reed Warbler, 7x Sedge Warbler, (GHa)

Branston GPs
Long-tailed Duck still, 3x Greenshank, 9x Dunlin, 6x Oystercatcher, 4x Redshank, 14x Lapwing, 4x Little Egret, Common Gull, 2x Green Woodpecker, (JWo)

Blythe Bridge (Foxfield Railway area)
4x Garden Warbler, (IBr)

Cuckoo, Common Tern, Shelduck, Common Sandpiper, 

Peregrine circling at 13:00, (RMa)

Doxey Marsh
9 Warbler species inc 35x Sedge Warbler, 2x Ringed Plover, 4x LRP, 2x Dunlin, Common Sandpiper, Little Egret, 16x Swift, (MBo)

Little Aston STW
Wheatear, Yellow Wagtail, 2x Lesser Whitethroat, Garden Warbler, (PAn)  -  also 2x Grey Partridge, Cuckoo, (GEv)

2x Hobbies circling over Park Ave at 16:55, (AHa)

Gentleshaw Common
Cuckoo and 2x Stonechat, (SMG)

2x Wheatear, 18x Sedge Warbler amongst ten Warbler species, Yellow Wagtail, 6x Swift

Church Lea
Grey Wagtail on River Blithe, (CTa)

Sneyd Green
2x Swift, (JOa)

Alrewas Arboretum (footpath)
Common Tern 3x Goosander, 2x Little Egret, 2x Oystercatcher, Cetti's Warbler, c25x Banded Demoiselle-1st this year, (JWo)

Cuckoo, (JWo)

2x Swift, (SCh)

Baldwins Gate
2x Yellow Wagtail, Wheatear, (RWh)