
Sunday 24 May 2020

Sunday 24th May 2020

Lower Tean
3x Red Kite in fields between Checkley cricket club and Heath House, (RPo, ABa)

Gailey Resv
Fem Peregrine, 3x Oystercatcher + 3 young, Common Sandpiper, Spotted Flycatcher, (SRi)

Highgate Common
Spotted Flycatcher, (DBa)

Little Aston STW
2x Grey Partridge, Yellowhammer, (PAn)  -  2x Gropper, 

Knypersley Resv
2x Spotted Flycatcher, Green Woodpecker, (PMo)

Doxey Marsh
LRP, Common Tern, Peregrine, Cetti's Warbler, (GHa)

Branston GPs
2x Greenshank, 3x Redshank, LRP, Ringed Plover, 3x Oystercatcher, Hobby, Peregrine, 35x Gadwall, 7x Pochard, Little Egret, Green Woodpecker. (DSc)

Whitemoor Haye
Turnstone, 8x Yellowhammer, 4x Yellow Wagtail, Peregrine, Goldeneye, (DSc)

Cannock Chase
2x Spotted Flycatcher, 2x Cuckoo, 6x Tree Pipit, Woodcock, (DSc)  -  also 2x Redstart, Yellowhammer, (GHa)

Corn Bunting, (DSc)

Alrewas Arboretum
Cuckoo, 2x Common Tern, 2x Grey Wagtail, Cetti's Warbler, 2x Shelduck, (JWo)

Cetti's Warbler along the canal, (JWo)

Hobby, Yellow Wagtail, (DSc)

Yellow Wagtail by the Round Oak pub, (DJo)