Blithfield Resv
Drake Red-breasted Meganser Tad bay, (GJM)
Very distant shot of the Merganser by GJ MantAqualate
Female Ferruginous Duck, (IGr)
Trescott area
17x Golden Plover, 2x Stonechat, 40x Skylark, (IMo)
Tittesworth Water
67x Pink-footed Geese over, 61x Common Gull, GBB Gull, 27x Snipe, 21x Mandarin, 8x Goosander, 6x Pochard, 37x Wigeon, 4x Barnacle Geese, (SGi)
4x Great Egret, 4x Little Egret, 5x Redshank, Brambling, (IWh)