
Sunday 26 May 2024

Sunday 26th May 2024

Whitemoor Haye

Turnstone on pit opposite quarry to 08:20, 8x Ringed Plover thru, Hobby, 80x Swift, (ICW)

Belvide Resv

Little Stint thru at 07:30, 31x Ringed Plover and 8x Dunlin thru, Osprey, 5x Red Kite, 2x Goshawk, Peregrine, Hobby, 

WMI site near Calf Heath

18x Ringed Plover thru in two flocks this am, (GCl, KCl)  -  6x Oystercatcher, 5+ LRP, Common Sandpiper, 3x Shelduck, Yellowhammer, (SRi)

Blithfield Resv

3x Sanderling on the causeway this am, (GJM)


Lordship Lane - Red Kite, Yellow Wagtail, Peregrine, Lesser Whitethroat, (RGi)

Branston GPs

North end so far - 2x Turnstone to 10:15 only, Sanderling, 3x Dunlin, 5x Ringed Plover, 20x Common Tern, 2x Little Egret, 10x Shelduck, 6x Pochard, Peregrine, 100x Swift, Cetti's Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat, (DSc)  -  Little Gull, 2x Redshank, Hobby, (JWo, CEc)

Tittesworth Water

Goosander, 2x Common Tern, Curlew, Common Sandpiper, 14x Oystercatcher, 8x Swift, Willow Tit, (JOa, LH)


Hobby, (SB)

Gailey Resv

2x Common Tern, Yellow Wagtail, 3x Spotted Flycatcher, (SRi)

The Burntwood (Loggerheads)

Cuckoo, Red Kite, Tree Pipit, (RGi)


Cuckoo, 4x Common Tern, 4x Shelduck + 1 duckling, 5x Gadwall, 8x GC Grebe, Little Egret, 3x Cetti's Warbler, (JWo)