
Wednesday 31 July 2024

Wednesday 31st July 2024

Stanley Pool

Greenshank to 07:55 then flew off north, 4x Oystercatcher, (GBr)

Middleton Lakes

Marsh Harrier still, 2x Great Egret, 4x LRP, 7x Common Tern, (SPA)

Radford Meadows Stafford

Juv Marsh Harrier on post early am, Whinchat, 5x Little Egret, 30x Lapwing, 3x Snipe, 4x Cetti's Warbler, (RSw)

Blithfield Resv

5x Dunlin, 6x Common Sandpiper, 2x LRP, 2x Black-tailed Godwit, 2x Snipe, Greenshank, 17x Little Egret, 5x Great Egret, 4x Spotted Flycatcher, 3x Yellow Wagtail, Red Kite, Stonechat, (DBa, CE, KM, AB, PB)  -  Turnstone, (GWi)


Red Kite at The Leys several times over mown fields, (GSt)

Branston GPs

Green Sandpiper, 7x Common Sandpiper, 4x Oystercatcher, 15x Curlew, 121x Lapwing, 14x Little Egret, 16x Pochard, 77x Gadwall, 4x Shelduck (3 juvs), 5x Egyptian Geese, 54x Little Grebe, 32x Common Tern, YL Gull, (JWo)