Monday, 31 January 2011
31st Jan 2011
Waxwing x 100 still by the roundabout near Greyhound Pub this morning.
Cannock Chase
Great Grey Shrike again by Cadet Huts........K Brewin.
Whooper Swan x 5 adults just south of Croxall in fields opposite
Oakley's Farm at 14-00............R Swift.
Glaucous Gull one at Kingswood.........Birdguides.
Waxwing x 50 between Lower Birches Way and Canterbury Drive......Birdguides.
Waxwing x 6 on Marsh Parade by Silk Mill House............Birdguides.
Silverdale Colliery
Yellow-legged Gull x 3 on The Void.............S Turner.
Belvide Res (permit only)
Pintail x 4 and a single Goosander.........S Nuttall.
Sunday, 30 January 2011
30th Jan 2011
Goosander drake also Raven and Dipper......S Seal.
Westport Lake
Goosander x 5 , Pochard x 44 , Goldeneye x 2 and Shoveler (pair).......C Waring.
Cannock Chase
Brambling x 4 (3 x males) at Marquis Drive feeding station.......C Smith.
Waxwing x 160 by roundabout near Greyhound Pub........C Bailey.
Uttoxeter Quarry
Whte-fronted Goose x 2 , Pink-footed Goose , Goosander x 44 , Goldeneye x 3 ,
Pochard x 8 , Wigeon x 121 , Green Sand , Curlew x 3 , Yellowhammer x 6 ,
Barn Owl and Raven.........R Powell.
Elford GPs
Bewick Swan x 16 in field opposite quarry.........Birdguides.
Whooper Swan x 5 adults still behind Croxall Hall viewable from A513........Birdguides.
Iceland Gull juvenile again in the roost also drake Smew..........Birdguides.
Blithfield Res (permit only)
Bewick Swan x 11 (6 adults and 5 juv) in Tad Bay............Birdguides.
Gailey Res
Bewick Swan x 2 adults still viewable from bridleway............Birdguides.
Great Wyrley
Waxwing x 9 on Station Rd near high school entrance...........Birdguides.
Saturday, 29 January 2011
29th Jan 2011
Waxwing x 13 still by the shopping centre car park..........Birdguides.
Whooper Swan x 5 adults still behind Croxall Hall viewable from
A513 beyond the bridge.........Birdguides.
Knypersley Res
Pink-footed Goose again in field by the bridge this morning also
Goosander x 2 females.............S Armitt.
Uttoxeter Quarry
White-fronted Goose x 2 , Pink-footed Goose , Goosander x 18 , Wigeon x 113 ,
Tufted Duck x 40 , Pochard x 6 , Goldeneye x 2 , Teal x 24 , Curlew x 2 ,
Raven and Yellowhammer x 6............A Barker.
Iceland Gull juvenile again also drake Smew......S Staffs.
Adderly Green
Pink-footed Goose x 2oo over north west this morning.........R Toon.
Westport Lake
Goosander x 7 , Goldeneye x 2 and Shoveler x 2.........C Waring.
Brookleys Lake
Mandarin x 6 this morning..........N Smith.
Branston GPs
Pink-footed Goose x 2 , Green Sand and Redshank.........N Smith.
Mealy Redpoll still visiting a private garden feeder......N Thorneycroft.
Friday, 28 January 2011
28th Jan 2011
Goosander x 11 (3 x drakes).........N Smith.
Knypersley Res
Goosander x 9 (4 x drakes)..........S Armitt.
Belvide Res (permit only)
Med Gull adult in roost this evening........Birdguides.
Ford Green
Teal x 10 , Pochard x 15 and Gadwall 1 pair.........C Gater.
Uttoxeter Quarry
Yellowhammer x 12 , Goosander x 18 , Wigeon x 40 , Pochard x 6,
Goldeneye x 2 , Teal x 23 , Dunlin x 1 and feral W F Goose........A Barker.
Doxey Marshes
Creswell Flash........Wigeon x 48.
Tillington Flash.......Goosander x 14 (6 x drake) , also Barnacle Goose x 2,
and Buzzard x 2............M Grant.
Iceland Gull juvenile again in the roost also 2 x Yellow-legged Gulls
and drake Smew..........Birdguides.
Thursday, 27 January 2011
27th Jan 2011
Waxwing x 130 on Kinsbridge Av at 13-30........B Low.
Nordic Jackdaw still south of Beech at Swynnerton Grange Farm
SJ842370 late morning........NP.
Knypersley Res
Goosander x 10 (1 x drake) late afternoon.......S Seal.
Westport Lake
Goosander x 8 , Goldeneye x 3 , and Raven x 2 over......C Waring.
Whooper Swan x 5 adults still behind Croxall Hall viewable from A513.......BG.
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
26th Jan 2011
Goosander x 7 (3 x drakes) , Buzzard x 2.......S Armitt.
Gailey Res
Bewick Swan x 2 adults still viewable from bridleway......Birdguides.
Pink-footed Goose x 80 flew west at 14-50........N Smith.
Pink-footed Goose x 140 north west at 17-00......T Eyre.
Belvide Res (permit only)
Teal x 350 , Wigeon x 112 and 2 x adult Y L Gulls in roost......S Nuttall.
Whooper Swan x 5 adults still behind Croxall Hall viewable fro A513...BG.
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Monday, 24 January 2011
24th Jan 2011
Waxwing x 22 on Cannock Rd by the canal bridge........Birdguides.
Waxwing x 50 opposite fish and chip shop......Birdguides.
Silverdale Colliery
Yellow-legged Gull 3rd winter on the Void.........NP.
Smew drake viewable from the speed boat club this afternoon also,
Goosander x 20+.
Whooper Swan x 5 still present behind Croxall Hall viewable fro A513.
Sunday, 23 January 2011
23rd Jan 2011
Waxwing x 7 by Focus at the roundabout at Reginald Mitchell Way......Birdguides.
Knypersley Res
Pink-footed Goose in field by the bridge , later flew onto reservoir also ,
Goosander x 8 (3 x drakes) and Raven x 2 over...........S Seal.
Nordic Jackdaw x 2 in field with large corvid flock south of Beech
at SJ848376.........NP.
Uttoxeter Quarry
Wigeon x 285 , Goosander x 25 , Goldeneye x 3 , Pochard x 8 and
Green Sandpiper...........A Barker.
Ford Green
Pochard x 16 , Teal x 11 and Gadwall x 2...........C Gater.
Mandarin drake along the canal by the Boat Inn........P Wooldridge.
Saturday, 22 January 2011
22nd Jan 2011
Bewick Swan x 2 adults still viewable from bridleway.......Birdguides.
Waxwing x 30 still in Sainsbury's car park this morning.......Birdguides.
Waxwing x 60 in a garden by Sainsbury's car park opposite chip shop
this afternoon..........Birdguides.
Knypersley Res
Goosander x 5 (1 x drake) also Dipper..........S Seal.
Smew drake still from the sailing club this morning.........Birdguides.
Iceland Gull juvenile again in the roost this evening...........Birdguides.
Park Hall CP
Long-eared Owl in plantation by green metal bench........Birdguides.
Also Golden Plover x 40 in field opposite top car park.
Ford Green
Goosander fem , Teal x 18 , Pochard x 4, Gadwall x 2 and
Goosander x 4 drakes flew over............C Gater.
Whooper Swan x 5 adults still behind Croxall Hall and viewable from A513
beyond the bridge............T Perrins.
Whitemoor Haye
Pink-footed Goose x 2 with Greylags............T Perrins.
Waxwing x 70 in car park behind Maplin mid-day also a flock of 40 birds
in Lidl car park..............P Wain.
Uttoxeter Quarry
White-fronted Goose , Pink-footed Goose , Goosander x 35 , Goldeneye x 3,
Wigeon x 150 , Pochard x 8 , Green Sand , Curlew x 3 and Barn Owl....R Powell. A Barker
Brookleys Lake
Mandarin x 4............R Powell.
Belvide Res
Goosander x 4 , Goldeneye x 60.........BB.
Nordic Jackdaw amongst large corvid flock south of Beech at SJ848376......NP.
Berry Hill
Short-eared Owl one still between Tiddlers pool and the amphitheatre
late afternoon.............Birdguides.
Friday, 21 January 2011
21st Jan 2011
Waxwing one still present in gardens along Cornfield Rd this morning.....S Seal.
Smew drake still off the sailing club this morning...........Birdguides.
Uttoxeter Quarry
Wigeon x 100+ , White-fronted Goose x 2 , Goosander x 10 , Goldeneye x 1 ,
Pochard x 4 and drake Pintail.............EJF.
Waxwing x 20 in car park at Portmerion Pottery early Afternoon.......Birdguides.
Waxwing x 50 at Boney Hay............Birdguides.
Iceland Gull juvenile again in roost , also YLGull x 2 , and adult Med Gull.....Birdguides.
Berry Hill.
Short-eared Owl again late evening around Tiddlers pool area.......A Bentley.
Belvide Res
Yellow-legged Gull x 4 in roost..........Birdguides.
Whooper Swan x 5 adults still in field behind Croxall Hall viewable
from A513 beyond the bridge.
Waxwing x 30 at Sainsbury's car park accessed off Severn Drive........S Nuttall.
Thursday, 20 January 2011
20th Jan 2011
Waxwing one still around gardens along Cornfield Rd at 9-40.......S Seal.
Smew drake still present................Birdguides.
Waxwing x 20 around Museum of Cannock Chase on Valley Rd.........Birdguides.
Gailey Res
Bewick Swan x 2 adults still viewable from bridleway........Birdguides.
Norton Canes
Waxwing x 100 on Burntwood Rd this morning.........Birdguides.
Berry Hill
Short-eared Owl x 2 showed well again this evening around Tiddlers pool.
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
19th Jan 2011
Goosander fem , Goldeneye x 2........P Lunt.
Knypersley Res
Goosander x 5 (2 x drakes) , and Raven over........S Seal.
Waxwing x 3 circled Spode Street at 8-50 this morning........Rob.
Ford Green
Pochard x 11 , Teal x 4 , 1 x pair Gadwall............C Gater.
Cannock Chase
Waxwing x 24 around Cadet Hutts this afternoon........GS.
Doxey Marshes
Little Egret one present.........J Holian.
Iceland Gull juvenile in roost this evening..........Birdguides.
Berry Hill
Short-eared Owl x 2 still around Tiddlers Pool this evening.......Birdguides.
Gailey Res
Bewick Swan x adults stil viewable from bridleway..........Birdguides.
Waxwing x 30 still at Ogley Hay Rd.............Birdguides.
Norton Canes
Waxwing x 150 on Burntwood Rd at 8-30 this morning..........Birdguides.
Drayton Bassett
Curlew and Redshank on north pit..........J Allen.
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
18th Jan 2011
Goosander x 3 females mid-morning.....S Seal.
Westport Lake
Goosander fem , Goldeneye fem , Pochard x 19 and Willow Tit x 2......C Waring.
Waxwing x 30 in a private garden on Hilltop Avenue Basford.........Birdguides.
Goosander x 20 on the lake.......S Dover.
Uttoxeter Quarry
Whooper Swan x 2 (adult and Juv) , Goosander x 20 , Goldeneye x 1 and
Pochard x 2 ............EJF.
Cannock Chase
Waxwing x 48 behind the cadet camp but no sign of the
Great Grey Shrike today............Birdguides.
Drayton Bassett
Pintail x 4............K Sargent.
Belvide Res (permit only)
Goldeneye x 59 , Goosander x 2 females.......BB.
Iceland Gull 2nd winter also adult Med Gull and drake Smew......Birdguides.
Monday, 17 January 2011
17th Jan 2011
Goosander just one pair this morning also Raven over......S Seal.
Berry Hill
Short-eared Owl x 2 showing well around Tiddlers pool this evening.....C Gater.
Ford Green
Teal x 2 , Gadwall x pair , Pochard x 6..............C Gater.
Whooper Swan x 5 adults still in field behind Croxall Hall viewable from A513
beyond the bridge............Birdguides.
Blithfield Res (permit only)
Pink-footed Goose x 8 also Iceland Gull 3rd winter off Ten Acre bay
this evening............Birdguides.
Cannock Chase
Great Grey Shrike still between the shooting butts an the quarry........Birdguides.
Drayton Bassett
Smew x 2 on south pit this morning..............Birdguides.
Iceland Gull (juv) in roost this evening also , drake Smew and Y L Gull........Birdguides.
Belvide Res (permit only)
Waxwing x 17 at the junction of Horsebrook Lane and Barn Lane
this afternoon..............Birdguides.
Westport Lake
Brambling x 2 by first gate also , Gossander x 2............P Lunt.
Sunday, 16 January 2011
16th Jan 2011
Goosander x 4 (1 x drake)............N Smith.
Cannock Chase
Great Grey Shrike still by the shooting butts this morning........Birdguides.
Knypersley Res
Goosander x 21 (8x drakes)...............S Seal.
Smew drake still off the sailing club this morning,
Iceland Gull 2nd winter in roost also , adult Y L Gull.........Birdguides.
Elford GPs
Bewick Swan x 15 in field near Stubby Leas Cottages late afternoon.....S Pick.
Whooper Swan x 5 adults still in field behind Croxall Hall viewable from
A513 beyond the bridge late morning............Birdguides.
Nordic Jackdaw in field along Keeling Lane.........D Powell.
Uttoxeter Quarry
Goosander x 18 , Goldeneye , Green Sand and Common Gull x 5.....A Barker .
Brookleys Lake
Mandarin x 65 , Goosander x 2 and Gadwall x 2..........A Barker.
Goosander x 7 on JCB south lake..........A Barker.
Belvide Res (permit only)
Wigeon x 136 , Teal x 378 , Gadwall x 20 , Goldeneye x 36 , also Raven x 2
and immature Peregrine...........BB.
Doxey Marshes
Water Pipit on Darling Pasture also , Bittern and Little Egret x 2 still
on Boundary Flash.........DM Blog.
Gailey Res
Bewick Swan x 2 showing well in field north-east of Gailey this morning.....R Swift.
Saturday, 15 January 2011
15th Jan 2011
Great Grey Shrike 250m east of the shooting butts early afternoon.....Birdguides.
Brambling x 4 at Marquis Drive feeding station this morning......J Holian.
Whooper Swan x 5 still in field behind Croxall Hall viewable from A513.......T Perrins.
Smew drake still present from sailing club also Iceland Gull 2w again........Birdguides.
Uttoxeter Quarry
Goosander x 11 , Wigeon x 120 , Goldeneye x 3 , Pochard x 5 , Teal x 5
and Tufted Duck x 33...........A Barker.
White-fronted Goose x 2, Green Sand and 18 x Goosander........S Turner , R Powell.
Whitemoor Haye
Pink-footed Goose with Greylags also Curlew..........T Perrins.
Marsh Tit on feeders at Ramblers Retreat cafe.............R Powell.
Goosander x 6 on JCB south lake.............R Powell.
Brookleys Lake
Mandarin x 4 , Raven x 2............R Powell.
Elford GP
Bewick Swan x 12 in fields.................T Perrins
Park Hall CP
Long-eared Owl x 1 to the right of the green bench , also 100+ Fieldfare and
70+ Golden Plover in field by the quarry.........P Birkin.
Pink-footed Goose x 70 over @ 10-21 heading east..........P Shenton.
Little Egret x 2 at sewage works........TJ.
Friday, 14 January 2011
14th Jan 2011
Long-eared Owl x 2 by the green bench still...........S Barnett.
Uttoxeter Quarry
Goosander x 23 , Wigeon x 77 , Teal x 8 , Green Sandpiper and
Barn Owl found dead.............A Barker.
Berry Hill
Short-eared Owls x 2 still around Tiddlers pool late afternoon.......Birdguides.
Whooper Swan x 5 in field behind Croxall Hall with Pink-fooed Goose
viewable fron A513...........Birdguides.
Bewick Swan x 9 adults still near Stubby Leas Cottages............Birdguides.
Gailey Res
Bewick Swan x 2 adults still viewable from bridleway.........Birdguides.
Smew drake still present today.........Birdguides.
Iceland Gull (2nd winter) at 13-00 only.
Cannock Chase
Great Grey Shrike still around the shooting butts..........Birdguides.
Westport Lake
Goosander x 2 females also , female Goldeneye and 3 x Shoveler.....AM.
Thursday, 13 January 2011
13th Jan 2011
Smew darke still present , also Mandarin.........A Bladon .
Iceland Gull in the roost this evening..........J Holian.
Waxwing x 33 at Scholar Green behind No 153 Congleton Rd north......Birdguides.
Ford Green
Pochard x 7 and one pair Gadwall..........C Gater.
Uttoxeter Quarry
Goosander x 9 and 2 x Raven.........EJF.
Westport Lake
Pink-footed Goose x 100 over south this morning , also Little Owl
and female Goosander........C Waring , J Jones.
Adderley Green
Pink-footed Goose x 100+ over at 10-55 this morning.
Pink-footed Goose x 70 over south west at 10-45 this morning.......S Turner.
Cannock Chase
Great Grey Shrike again today at the shooting butts.
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
12th Jan 2011
Goosander female at Hatherton Res on small pool........S Barnett.
Whitemoor Haye
Whooper Swan x 5 near Stiles Farm this afternoon........Birdguides.
Waxwing x 102 in the Ashwood pub area and nearby Health Centre....M Ball.
Blithfield Res
Goosander x 6 in Watery Lane bay.......BG.
Westport Lake
Goosander female on main lake.........C Waring.
Doxey Marshes
Goosander x 20 on Creswell Flash and 3 x Water Rail on Boundary Falsh....DM Blog.
Rudyard Lake
Goosander x 5.............P Shenton.
Tittersworth Res
Goosander x 17 at the dam end............P Shenton.
Ford Green Hall
Goosander x 1 drake present..........C Gater.
Smew drake from the power boat club early afternoon........Birdguides.
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
11th Jan 2011
Golden Plover x 11 just south of Whitemoor Haye House farm.....BG.
Doxey Marshes
Bittern in flight over Boundary Flash this afternoon also , 31 x Goosander
and Water Rail...........DM Blog.
Berry Hill
Short-eared Owl still around Tiddlers pool area late afternoon......Birdguides.
Waxwing one flew over London Rd west end this morning @ 8-30......NP.
Smew drake...........PW , GE.
Monday, 10 January 2011
10th Jan 2011
Waxwing x 50+ by the Ashwood pub this morning .......M Ball.
Westport Lake
Goosander female also 4 x Shoveler , 2 x Goldeneye and 60+ Siskin....C Waring.
Belvide Res (permit only)
Goosander x 4 , Wigeon x 264.........BB.
Sunday, 9 January 2011
9th Jan 2011

Short-eared Owls x 2 around Tiddlers pool area late afternoon.....S Seal.
Park Hall CP
Long-eared Owl still x 2 by the green bench.......S Richards.
Gailey Res
Bewick Swan x 2 adlts still viewable from the bridleway.....Birdguides.
Waxwing x 16 still opposite Jonh Marston pub car park this afternoon
Knypersley Res
Goosander x 5 ( 2 x drakes ) on main pool.........S Seal.
Westport Lake
Goosander female on small boating lake this morning......S Seal.
Saturday, 8 January 2011
8th Jan 2011
Waxwing x 90+ opposite John Marston pub car park Longton
Hall Rd............A Mason.
Waxwing x 13 still along Cornfield Rd but very mobile.........S Seal.
Berry Hill
Short-eared Owl still around Tiddlers Pool this evening.....S Seal.
Park Hall CP
Long-eared Owl at least one still by the green bench this afternoon.
Drayton Bassett
Ruff one on the north pit also, 1st winter White-fronted Goose..........Birdguides.
Gailey Res
Bewick Swan x 2 adults still viewed from the bridleway.........Birdguides.
Westport Lake
Goosander x 2 females also Water Rail on top pool.........N Smith.
Knypersley Res
Goosander x 1 female present late afternoon.......S Seal.
Bewick Swan x 10 still near Stubby Leas cottages........Birdguides.
Belvide Res (permit only)
Jackdaw x 2 (Nordic) race below dam this afternoon...........Birdguides.
Iceland Gull x 2 ( juv , 2nd winter ) in the roost..........Birdguides.
Doxey Marshes
Goosander x 58 this evening................Birdguides.
Blake Hall
Goosander x 11 on small roadside pool this morning........Birdguides.
Friday, 7 January 2011
7th Jan 2011
Waxwing x 14 still around gardens along Cornfield Rd at 11-40......S Seal.
Berry Hil
Short-eared Owl x 2 still around Tiddlers Pool area.......Birdguides.
Bewick Swan x 11 near Stubby Leas cottages..........Birdguides.
Park Hall CP
Long-eared Owl x 3 still present today.
Thursday, 6 January 2011
6th Jan 2011
Waxwing x 14 still present in private gardens along Cornfield Rd
mid-morning but mobile.........S Seal.
Knypersley Res
Goosander x 5 ( 3 x drakes )......S Seal.
Doxey Mrashes
Bittern still on Boundary Flash also 44 x Goosander , Water Rail and
2 x drake Goldeneye on Cresswell Flash........A Bladon , S Petrek.
Drayton Bassett
White-fronted Goose on north pit along with Pink-footed Goose......Birdguides.
Waxwing x 30 over north late afternoon.........Birdguides.
Park Hall CP
Long-eared Owl x 4 near the green bench.........Birdguides.
Belvide Res (permit only)
Goosander x 6 also Goldeneye x 5 .
Bittern x 2 showed well at mid-day also Goshawk and 4 x Egyptian Goose....S Edwards.
Berry Hill
At least one Short-eared Owl still present this afternoon.
Waxwing x 20 opposite National Brewery centre.....N Thorneycroft.
Goosander 1w drake on the balancing lakes.
Blake Hall
Goosander x 6 on small roadside pool........A Barker.
Waxwing x 106 in the Anchor Rd / Goldenhill Rd area.....Birdguides.
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
5th Jan 2010
Waxwings x 14 still present around private gardens along Cornfield Rd off
St Johns Rd @ 8-45 this morning........S Seal.
Waxwing x 20+ on Merrial Street mid-morning........Birdguides.
Waxwings x 100+ still at Goldenhill Rd / Newmount Rd junction......Birdguides.
Little Egret by river Dove next to cricket ground.........R Reeves.
Doxey Marshes
Goosander x 31 today.........Birdguides.
Bewick Swan x 9 near Stubby Leas Cottages.............Birdguides.
Waxwing x 42 in Queens Gardens...............Birdguides.
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
4th Jan 2011
Waxwing x 5 still present along Cornfield Rd off St John's Rd
mid-morning....S Seal.
Knypersley Res
Goosander x 3 drakes early morning on small pool........S Seal.
Goosander x 2 drakes and 11 x female at Kettlebrook Linear Park
on Stoneydelph Lake............Birdguides.
Also 38 x Waxwing on Shelton Street...........P Burton .
Doxey Marshes
Bittern still on Boundary Flash..............Birdguides.
Waxwing x 108 at the top of Goldenhill Rd junction of Newmount Rd........Birdguides.
Waxwing x 20 on Merryvale Street this afternoon.........Birdguides.
Iceland Gull 3rd winter again this afternoon then flew off..........Birdguides.
Park Hall CP
Long-eared Owl at least two present , take path southeast from visitors centre
to metal bench then 20m ssw to view...........Birdguides.
Westport Lake
Yellow-legged Gull on the ice this afternoon.........N Smith.
Monday, 3 January 2011
3rd Jan 2011
Bittern one stil present this morning also Water Rail , 30+ Goosander
on Boundary Flash and Black-tailed Godwit and Goldeneye on Cresswell
Flash.........A Bladon
Gailey Res
Bewick Swan x 2 adults still near the bridleway this morning.......Birdguides.
Aqualate Park
Bittern x 2 on the Mere from the hide mid-morning..........Birdguides.
Also Water Pipit........P Wooldridge
Westport Lake
Goosander fem..........N Smith.
Knypersley Res
Goosander drake.........S Seal.
Waxwing x 3 early morning still in private gardens along Cornfield Rd........S Seal.
Uttoxeter Quarry
White-fronted Goose x 2 present this morning also , 28 x Pink-footed Goose
over southwest at 10-40 , Goosander , 36 x Wigeon , 2 x Teal and Green Sand
A Barker , R Powell.
Elford GPs
Bewick Swan at least x 9 in fields..........Birdguides.
60 x Pink-footed Goose over west also , 20 x Lesser Redpoll at The Sidings.....A Barker.
JCB Landpower Plant
Barn Owl and 3 x Goosander...........A Barker , R Powell.
Hatherton Res
Yesterday 4 x Goosander and Little Egret in field next to Hatherton Canal....S Barnett.
Berry Hill
Short-eared Owl x 2 still present and 50 x Pink-footed Goose over........Birdguides.
Whitemoor Haye
Merlin female from Roddige Lane mid-morning........Birdguides.
60 x Bramblings today at Whitmore also Little Egret.........NP.
Waxwing x 20 around Anchor Rd , with larger flock at NHS around the corner....Tim.
Waxwing x 4 just down from Gatehouse Pub........Tim.
Iceland Gull 3rd winter , also Glaucous Gull juvenile in the roost this evening....I Ward.
Drayton Bassett North
Smew 1st winter darke..............J Harris.
Hales Hall
Mandarin drake still present..........A Barker , R Powell.
Sunday, 2 January 2011
2nd Jan 2011

Doxey Marshes
Bittern x 2 one on Cresswell Falsh and one on Boundary Flash............Birdguides.
Waxwing x 60+ at Anchor Rd / upper Cross St junction in Longton.......Birdguides.
Waxwing x 21 in private gardens along Cornfield Rd but mobile.........S Seal.
Berry Hill
Short-eared Owl one still around the Tiddlers pool area this afternoon........Birdguides.
Whitemoor Haye
Brambling x 50+ in game cover along Bent Lane this afternoon.
Westport Lake
Goosander fem , Goldeneye fem and 21 x Siskin.......S Seal.
Birches Head
Waxwing x 25 on the junction of Birches Head Rd & Donald Rd........P Birkin.
Park Hall CP
Long-eared Owl x 3 present........S Staffs.
Knypersley Res
Goosander x 7 (5 drakes) again early morning.......S Seal.
Iceland Gull 2nd winter in roost this evening........Birdguides.
Blake Hall
Goosander drake on the bottom pool.........A Barker.
Belvide Res (permit only)
Bewick Swan x 2 dropped in briefly @ 14-00 also , 15 x Curlew and 16 x Goosander...BB.
Gailey Res
Bewick Swan x 2 still present this afternoon.