
Saturday 4 January 2020

Saturday 4th January 2020

Blithfield Resv (WMBC members only)
9x Whooper Swan south over the dam, (GJM)

Cuckkoo Bank
Lapland Bunting still in field north of main track with 75x Skylark, later flown east to five sided field

Doxey Marsh
Water Pipit, Great Egret, Little Egret, Stonechat, Chiffchaff, (RPo)

Whitemoor Haye
Firecrest still near farmhouse-old pig farm

Marsh Harrier chased by Gulls into reeds also 8x Goosander, (RBa)  -  1w Caspian Gull, and 3w YL Gull in the roost

Tittesworth Water
Woodcock, 37x Snipe, Pochard, 7x Goosander, Common Gull, Willow Tit, 12x Lapwing, (SG, WLH, IB, CT)

Cannock Chase
4x Goosander, Fair Oak pool, (JPe)

Kings Bromley
Pintail still from the lay-by (JPa)

Branston GPs
24x Little Grebe, Little Egret, 2x Egyptian Geese, 92x Wigeon, 50x Pochard, 4x Goldeneye, 18x Shoveler, 7x Shelduck, Curlew, 2x YL Gull, Peregrine, Green Woodpecker, 2x Stonechat, (DSc)

Branston WP
56x Wigeon, 10x Wigeon, Water Rail, (DSc)

Great Egret, 5x Little Egret, 3x Goldeneye, 30x Teal, (ABr, TBr)