
Friday 3 January 2020

Friday 3rd January 2020

Blithfield Resv (WMBC members only)
2x Whooper Swan, (GJM)

Middleton Lakes
2x Pintail, 3x Goldeneye, Great Egret, 2x Egyptian Geese, (SPA)

2x Jack Snipe, (NDP)

Chiffchaff, (MFo)

Gailey Resv
3x Goldeneye, 19x Pochard, Goosander, (IMo)

Pendeford Mill
2x Little Egret, Grey Wagtail, 8x Gadwall,  (PCo)

Branston GPs
15x Curlew, Goldeneye, GBB Gull, Grey Wagtail, (CMa, RFe)  -  also 45x Lapwing, 10x Snipe, 6x Goldeneye, 78x Wigeon, 100x Teal, 47x Pochard, 22x Shoveler, 14x Gadwall, 2x Little Egret, 22x Little Grebe, 16x Common Gull, 3x YL Gull, 15x GBB Gull, 2x Stonechat, 25x Linnet, Green Woodpecker, 2x Barn Owl, (JWo)

Whitemoor Haye
3x Grey Partridge, Golden Plover with Lapwing flock, Tree Sparrows, Yellowhammers, (CMa, RFe)  -  Firecrest still in hedge between farmhouse and quarry crossing, (BRe)

By Ben Reavey

Chatterley Whitfield
3x Little Egret at the top of the valley, (PMo)

Doxey Marsh
Great Egret, 4x Little Egret, Water Pipit, Pink-footed Goose, 2x Egyptian Geese,  Goosander, Common Gull, 2x Stonechat, (SE,HF)

Trentham Gardens
2x Dipper, 2x Pochard, 12x Gadwall, Little Egret, (HF,SE)

3x Caspian Gull and 4x YL Gull in the roost

Little Egret over the fire station at 15:45, (IBu)

Alrewas Sewage farm
Probable Siberian Chiffchaff with 8x Chiffchaff, Grey Wagtail, (DSc)

Alrewas Junction Pit
3x Great Egret, 4x Little Egret, Green Woodpecker, Cetti's Warbler, (DSc)

11x Goldeneye, 6x Goosander, 2x Little Egret, Stonechat, (DSc)

Westport Lake
18x Pochard, 8x Goosander, 2x Willow Tit, (SGi)