
Thursday 2 January 2020

Thursday 2nd January 2020

Stoke on Trent
75x Pink-footed Geese over Longton east at 11:15, (AR)

Whitfield Valley
7x Little Egret, (JJo)

Middleton Lakes
2x Pintail, Great Egret, 20x Goldeneye, (SAt) - also 3x Pintail, 2x Egyptian Geese, 9x Little Egret, GBB Gull, (MSm)

Swallow Moss
120x Pink-footed over SSE, (DGH)

Alrewas Junction Pit
Great Egret, 5x Little Egret, (JWo)

By Jon Woodcock

Whitemoor Haye
Peregrine, 600x Lapwing, 15x Egyptian Geese, Yellowhammer, Stonechat, (JWo, DSc, Dean)  -  also 14x Golden Plover, Green Sandpiper, 3x Goldeneye, (DBa)

Catholme  (from the footpath)
2x Great Egret, 4x Little Egret, Green Sandpiper, 8x Goosander, 130x Wigeon, (JWo, Dean)

220x Lapwing, Goosander, 2x Willow Tit, 14x Buzzard, 10x Raven, 10x Siskin, 2x Grey Wagtail,(DSc)

Branston GPs
15x Curlew, 8x Snipe, 60x Pochard, 72x Wigeon, 5x Goldeneye, 15x Shoveler, 20x Little Grebe, YL Gull, Green Woodpecker, 8x Common Gull, Stonechat, (DSc)

Knypersley Resv
3x Woodcock and 2x Willow Tit by old hatchery, 2x Mandarin, 2x Goosander, (GBr)

Doxey Marsh
2x Great Egret, 2x Little Egret, 2x Water Pipit, 6x Golden Plover, 400x Lapwing, Common Gull, 10x Gadwall, Cetti's Warbler, 2x Egyptian Geese, (GPr)

Radford Meadows
5x Little Egret, 244x Golden Plover, 504x Lapwing, 201x Wigeon, 341x Teal, 20x Shoveler, Goosander, (RSw)

Kings Bromley
Pintail on the river next to the layby, (CRa)

By Christine Ravenscroft

Red-crested Pochard this morning also 30x Goldeneye, (DNi)