Pool Hall area
2x Grey Partridge, LRP, Cuckoo, (GCl)
Knypersley Resv
Cuckoo by the lake, (Gbr)
Ipstones Edge
2x Cuckoo, Tree Sparrow, (SCh)
Forsbrook - Draycott in the Moors
Willow Tit, Yellowhammer, (AR)
Swallow Moss
Cuckoo, (JOa)
Tittesworth Water
Spotted Flycatcher, LRP, (JOa)
Cannock Chase
2x Cuckoo, 6x Tree Pipit, Hobby, 3x Woodcock, Nightjar, Yellowhammer, (TMG)
North Staffs
Pied Flycatcher, (JWo)
By Jon WoodcockStaffs