Middleton Lakes
Ruddy Shelduck on JW north, flyover Crossbill, 18x Golden Plover, 8x Snipe, 3x Pintail, 2x Goldeneye, 2x Great Egret, 4x Stonechat, (MSm)
Endon - Denford
30x Snipe, Jack Snipe, (DCo)
Blithfield Resv
2800x Wood Pigeon thru SW early am, (GJM)
c1150 Wood Pigeon over Ryehills 07:10 to 07:25, (JHu)
Belvide Resv (WMBC members only)
Spoonbill in front of Gazebo hide this afternoon,
Possible Rough legged Buzzard reported, in meadow off the A513. (BGe)
Alton - Oakamoor
7x Goosander alongside the railway this afternoon, (JTu)
Branston GPs
2x Green Sandpiper, 7x Snipe, 6x Curlew, Water Rail, Goosander, Shelduck, 7x Egyptian Geese, YL Gull, 24x Greenfinch, Green Woodpecker, Cetti's Warbler, (JWo)