Thursday 20 June 2024

Thursday 20th June 2024


2x Red Kite over the A519, (RPl)


2x Gadwall, (RGi)


No sign of the reported Quail in field north of Cappers Lane this evening, several Yellowhammer, Lesser Whitethroat. (BHa)

Branston GPs

Little Gull, Med Gull, Green Sandpiper, 3x Ringed Plover, 79x Lapwing, 5x Oystercatcher, 6x Little Egret, 58x Pochard, 88x Gadwall, 6x Shoveler, 16x Teal, 20x Shelduck (8 ducklings), 6x Mandarin, 31x Little Grebe, 27x Common Tern, Gropper, 6x Cetti's Warbler, (JWo)