Below is a detailed itinerary for the "Staffordshire Birding Conference" on Saturday 5th March, we looking forward to seeing you there!
Tickets are just £5 and available on the door
Staffordshire Birders Conference
Saturday March 5th 2016
Connecting Birders across Staffordshire
Oulton Village Hall, Kibblestone Road, Oulton, Stone, ST15 8ND
09.15 Welcome. Free tea &
coffee on arrival
10.00 Introduction
10.10 Kate Thorpe (Middleton
Lakes) - “The past, present and future of RSPB Middleton Lakes”
10.35 Nick Pomiankowski (County
Bird Recorder) - “Bird Recording”
11.00 David Dodd (Group Leader,
Stafford branch, West Midland Bird Club) -
“Are you mad? Why
join a bird club?”
11.25 Colin McShane (Group
Chairman, Brewood Ringers’ Group) -
“Brewood Ringers – who we are and
what we get up to”
12.00 Questions from the floor
12.10 Lunch (please bring your own; drinks
available at additional small cost)
12.55 Peter Durnall
(international award-winning wildlife film maker) -
“Wildlife film-making in Staffordshire and around the UK”
13.35 Paul Bennett (RSPB
Coombes Valley) -
“Managing upland oak woodland for Birds without Borders”
14.00 Chris Waring
(Staffordshire Bird News) - “Who we are
and what we do”
14.20 Gerald Gittens (British
Trust for Ornithology) - “BTO Surveys”
14.40 Questions, thanks,
15.00 Departure
Tickets are just £5 (Available on the Door)
event is being facilitated by RSPB North Staffs Local Group.
available for purchase at the Group's indoor meetings in January and February
can also be ordered by post; these can then be collected on the day, or sent to
by post
(please enclose SAE for the latter). For
order confirmation, please provide an email address.
To order, please send a cheque for £5 per
ticket, made payable to RSPB North Staffs Local Group, to: Birders
Conference, 38, Pilkington Avenue, Newcastle, ST5 3RE
Belvide Res
1w drake Scaup still
Doxey Marshes
2x Mediterranean Gulls, Little Egret, 3x Goosander, 7x Shelduck (PBe)