Late news from yesterday evening 7x Black Tern and a juv Little Gull........
Green Sandpiper this morning also 11x Red Deer.......SG
Gailey Res
Med Gull adult on sailing lake this afternoon also 3s. Yellow-legged Gull......
Blithfield Res (permit only)
Little Gull (juv), 2x Arctic Tern (juvs), 6x Black Tern (2 ad and 4 juvs).........GJM
Med Gull juvenile this evening, Black Tern now up to 12 (5 adults and 7 juvs), YL Gull and a Hobby........JA
Belvide Res (permit only)
Red-crested Pochard eclipse drake still........
Cannock Chase
12x Stonechat ( 3 pairs with 6 juvs )........LS
Hobby one over south this morning........RB