Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Wednesday 5th December 2012

Many thanks to all those readers of the blog who have sent in photographs to us. We are most grateful for them. We are really keen to receive photographs taken of birds that appear in our daily sightings blog, to further enhance the sighting. When a new rare/scarce bird appears, it completes the full story when there is a photo of it as well. We are receiving at present a lot of excellent, good quality photos, but quite a few are of commoner species that don't feature in our news reports. Whilst we appreciate being sent these pictures, we don't really want to become a photograph blog. Our aim is to bring the current bird news of the day into one central blog for everyone to read. Some photographers are questioning why we haven't put one of their pictures on the daily blog. The simple answer is that bird didn't feature in our news. We hope everyone understands our policy, and we look forward to our blog going from strength to strength.


Tittesworth Resv
Great Northern Diver still present this morning.....Birdguides...Also, a pair of Mandarin by visitor centre (see photo below), Reed Bunting, 2x Great Spotted Woodpeckers, Jay, Willow Tit, 22 x Tufted Duck, 12 x Teal, 3 x Snipe....IB

Westport Lake
Fem Common Scoter on main lake. Also 5m Goosander and 1m 2f Goldeneye, 12 Pochard....NJS, MT

Common Scoter at Westport by Mick Turner
and this by Dave Kelsall

and Dave kindly sent in this Goosander from Westport as well

Belvide Resv (permit holders only)
2w Caspian Gull and 4 adult Yellow-legged Gulls in the roost. Jack Snipe on north shore by white post.......SN

Immature Great Northern Diver still on the Swag today.....KW

Lichfield - 40 to 50 at 9.10am, again off Eastern Avenue at the end of Gilbert Road, but very mobile...ARu
Stafford - 8 still on T.V aerials off Cornwall Drive, 50m from the junction with Baswich lane at 11.15am...RSw
Stafford - 3 in trees at Coton Fields 11:30hrs.....Birdguides
Newcastle-u-Lyme - 2  feeding in berry tree Waterhayes Village...KL

Cannock Chase
2x Raven, 12x Goldcrest, 6x Siskin, 11x Reed Bunting, 2x Green Woodpecker, 2x Willow Tit....JW

Hixon Airfield
488 Golden Plover this afternoon.Please keep to public footpaths and park sensibly...RBro

Wildwood Wildlife Pond
3x Goosander this morning...............JW

Wetley Moor
3x Brambling still on Washerwall Lane......DF.