M6 Keele Services - Jnc 16
Hobby flew over east at 16:20 (PFo)
Uttoxeter Quarry
Peregrine 1, Willow Tit 1, Common Tern 6, Oystercatcher 3, Curlew 1 (ABa)
Spotted Flycatcher (SE, EF)
Doxey Marshes
3 Ringed Plover, Redshank, Dunlin, 2 Common Tern (SE, EF)
Belvide Res
1 Ringed Plover, 2 LRP and 1 Dunlin were on the north shore. A pair of Wigeon were new arrivals. A couple of Hobby were seen several times this afternoon. 9 Common Tern were counted (Belvide Blog)