Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Belvide Res (permit only)
Greenland White-fronted Goose again this morning but no sign at 11:40. Later again on the north shore at the west end at 15:25
The 2 Long-tailed Duck still off the dam also 2x Scaup at the west end

Silverdale CP
Probable adult Caspian Gull on The Void at 13:00 also YL Gull (NP)

3x Caspian Gull again in the roost also 2x juv Glaucous Gull, juv Iceland Gull and Great Northern Diver still

Green Sandpiper on the River Trent (AHo)

Drayton Bassett Pits
3x Dunlin, 44x Golden Plover, 14x Snipe, Shelduck, 4x Little Egret ( per JHa)

Cannock Chase (Abrahams Valley)
50+ Crossbill in several flocks, 25x Siskin (AWa)