Branston GP
17:00hrs 2x Oystercatcher, 7x Ruff, 3x Green Sandpiper. 3x Ringed Plover, 10x Redshank, 7x Curlew, 2x Snipe, 26x Shelduck, 15x Gadwall, c200 Fieldfare, c50 Redwing (DSc)
Juv Glaucous Gull, juv Iceland Gull and 1w Caspian Gull in roost. 3x Brambling on Cuckoo Bank (@CWG_sightings)
Belvide Resv
Juv Iceland Gull roosted again from 17:55hrs, plus adult Kittiwake, 1w fem Velvet Scoter and 11 Scaup.
Drayton Bassett Pits North
1x Black-tailed Godwit (BDu)
Doxey Marshes
3x Little Egret and 1x Sand Martin thru this afternoon (CHa)
Wetley Moor
2x Chiffchaff, 4x Brambling (RBu)