Belvide Resv
ad fem Velvet Scoter still off the dam and drk Scaup still (@BelvideBirding)
Croxall Lakes
4x Jack Snipe, 4x Little Egret, 42x Snipe, 8x Goosander, 4x Sand Martin, Water Rail (IW)
Whitemoor Haye
3x LR Plover through, 11x Sand Martin, c300 Fieldfare (IW)
Uttoxeter Quarry
2x Sand Martin, 16x Goosander, 4x Mandarin, 9x Oystercatcher, 1x Little Egret, 2x Green Sandpipers (IBu)
1x Sand Martin (IBu)
Westport Lake
1x Chiffchaff, 4x Shoveler (NJS)
Wetley Moor
2x Brambling, 20x Bullfinch, 10x Reed Bunting (RB)