Belvide Res (WMBC Members Only)
8x Sandwich Tern flew thru west this morning, also 2x Wheatear at West End and Red Kite though this afternoon (@BelvideBirding)
Willow Warbler, Green Woodpecker also 6x Common Tern flew through west at 10:20 (@I54foz)
Middleton Lakes RSPB
3x Egyptian Geese, 7x Black-tailed Godwit, 2x Mediterranean Gull, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker & Wheatear (@ArchieRaven)
Doxey Marsh
2x Water Pipit, 2x Cetti's Warbler, Little Ringed Plover, 2x Little Egret & Sedge Warbler (@nutcracker1965)
Knypersley Res
4x Water Rail at end of arboretum (GBr)
Cannock Chase
Cuckoo, Tree Pipit (BAS/AMS)
Blithfield Res (WMBC Members Only)
Yellow Wagtail - one on dam wall (BAS/AMS) also Wheatear on the sheep pasture near the causeway , late afternoon. (JB)
Silverdale CP
Wheatear & 2x Raven (@philjo61)
North Staffs Moors
Osprey Middle Hills heading NW at 16:30 (DGo)
4x Ringed Plover, 2x Green Sandpiper, 1x Common Sandpiper, 6+ Little Grebe (DSc)
Watery Lane, Codsall
Swallow, Blackcap, 2x Chiffchaff (PCol)
Whitemoor Haye
Great White Egret flying south along river & dropped in behind landfill site at 15.15 (DJL, JNL)