Belvide Resv
Adult Little Gull from Scott hide (@paulsmith15363) - Adult Arctic Tern this afternoon (@BelvideBirding)
Blithfield Resv (WMBC members only)
Osprey and 2x Knot Tad Bay (@Clive_Davies1) - also Juvenile Arctic Tern this afternoon (GJM) - additionally Sanderling, Turnstone (SE, HF)
Uttoxeter Quarry
Greenshank, 10x Green Sandpiper, 12x Common Sandpiper, 4x Little Egret (Andy)
Summer plumaged Sanderling, and a Dunlin (PWa per CMa)
Branston GPs
2x Green Sandpiper, 3x Little Egret, 40x Common Tern, 3s YL Gull (JWo)