Ferruginous Duck still on Pretty Pigs (ARa) - Also Great White Egret, Little Egret, Chiffchaff (MSc)
Middleton Lakes
6x Avocet, Ringed Plover, 6x Redshank, Dunlin, 12x Shelduck, 2x Goldeneye, 6x Chiffchaff, on JW, 7x Egyptian Geese west of JW,4x Whooper Swan NW of North Pit, Goldeneye Dosthill NR, (SAt)
Westport Lake
2s YL Gull, Oystercatcher, Goosander (DKe)
Tittesworth Water
Brambling, 5x Redpoll, 3x Chiffchaff, 6x Barnacle Geese (SGi)
Lesser Redpoll by Steve Gibson
3x Wheatear near the Beach hut off the Palletstacks track (RTo, NDP, DWa)
Cannock Chase
30x Crossbill, Chiffchaffs, (DBa)
Doxey Marsh
Great White Egret, 6x Little Egret (RGi) - 2x Cattle Egret still (EBe)
Hanchurch Woods
3x Chiffchaff, (CPe)
Branston GPs
Long-tailed Duck still, Great White Egret, 4x LRP, 5x Ringed Plover, 5x Ruff, 3x Green Sandpiper, 3x Redshank, 3x Curlew, 2x Snipe, 2x Oystercatcher, 35x Lapwing, 30x Shelduck, 5x Pochard, 2x Wigeon, 8x Goldeneye, 2x Mandarin, 27x Shoveler, 52x Gadwall, 100x Teal, 40x Little Grebe, 2x Green Woodpecker, Cetti's Warbler, 4x Chiffchaff, 2x Tawny Owl (JWo)