Monday, 8 April 2019

Monday 8th April 2019

Male Black Redstart from the Palletstacks, Green Sandpiper, 8x Wheatear, Yellowhammer (NDP, RTo)  -  also male Ring Ouzel below the mast paddocks near the Holly Bush (HFo)

By Steve Edwards

Whitfield Valley
Great White Egret flushed from brook and flew off east (JJo)

Branston GPs
Red-crested Pochard on Shy Pit, 2x adult Little Gull, (JWo)

4x Wheatear, LRP, 5x Yellowhammer, (MFo)

Doxey Marsh
Green Sandpiper from the Octagonal hide, 2x Cattle Egret, Great White Egret, 3x Little Egret, 3x Cetti's Warbler, (HKi)

Blithfield Resv (WMBC members only)
15x Little Gull (MPR, GJM)  -  Also Osprey from the causeway at 11:15 (NGr)

Black Tern briefly,  Arctic Tern, 4x Little Gull (CM)

Pied Flycatcher in a garden (per BelvideBirding)

Hixon Airfield
Male Redstart, 2x Wheatear (RCB)

Ad Little Gull this afternoon (PJo)

Middleton Lakes
5x Little Gull but only two remained st dusk (MercianBirding)

Branston GPs
2x ad Little Gull, Red-crested Pochard, Long-tailed Duck, 6x Redshank, Green Sandpiper, 3x Ringed Plover, 6x LRP, 3x Curlew, 38x Lapwing, 28x Shelduck, 52x Gadwall, 28x Shoveler, 21x Little Grebe, 3x Cetti's Warbler, Willow Warbler, 7x Blackcap, 3x Green Woodpecker, (JWo)

By Jon Woodcock
