Blithfield Resv (WMBC members only)
Red Kite over Tad Bay (GJM)
Cuckoo still due north of the unadopted road at Lawn Wood by the pull in.
Maer Hills
Cuckoo, Crossbill, Tree Pipit (NDP)
Branston GPs
Curlew, 4x LRP, 4x Redshank, 37x Lapwing, 8x Common Tern, fem Wigeon, 4x Pochard, Wheatear, 4x Garden Warbler, Cetti's Warbler, 2x Egyptian Geese + 3 juvs, Black-tailed Skimmer, 3x Brown Argus, Common Blue Butterfly, 25x Thick-kneed Flower Beetles (JWo)