Knypersley Resv
Woodcock at back of old hatchery, 2x Dipper, 2x Mandarin, 2x Goosander, 2x Willow Tit, (GBr)
Little Aston STW
Jack Snipe, Snipe, 20x Yellowhammer, 75x Linnet, (PAn)
3x GB Gull, 2x Common Gull, (MSu)
Great Egret on the Trent just below the weir, (SCo)
Gailey Resv
3w Caspian Gull, 2x Pochard, 3x Goldeneye, 3x Gadwall, (SRi)
Dimmingsdale - Trescott Ford
Corn Bunting, 14x Yellowhammer, 3x Goosander, Stonechat, (IMo)
Little Egret on Wombrook, (DJo)
Dipper , Willow Tit, (TEy)
Willow Tit by Terry EyreAlvecote
Great Egret, 2x Little Egret, 9x Goosander, 28x Lapwing, 14x Wigeon, 2x Shelduck, (MSc)
Barton under Needwood
Greenfinch, Redpoll, (CBe)
By Christine BeanStaffs