Friday 16 June 2023

Friday 16th June 2023

Blithfield Resv

2x Spoonbill in Tad Bay, (MDJ GJM)

                                                                   By GJ Mant

Middleton Lakes

Female Marsh Harrier flew thru at 11:30, (DCor)


Red Kite, (KBr)

Belvide Resv

2x Black-tailed Godwit, 

Whitemoor Haye

Cream crown Marsh Harrier over roadside pit at 10:40, also Red Kite Croxall, (IWh)

Whitemoor Haye

Mandarin on Bewicks pit, (TPe)

Stoke on Trent

Nightjar again heard north of the city boundary at 22:00. (SCo)