Saturday 31 August 2024

Saturday 31st August 2024

Blithfield Resv

White Stork (from the Knepp stork project), dropped into Tad Bay this morning, (GJM,MPR)  -  Blithe Bay 06:45 to 12:00, 7x Great Egret (with several more distantly in Tad Bay), 2x Red Kite, ad Caspian Gull, 23x Ringed Plover, 4x LRP, Dunlin, 3x Greenshank, Curlew, Snipe, 20+ Yellow Wagtail, Wheatear, (SRi)  -  Midday White Stork still in Tad Bay at 12:50, 9x Great Egret, 16x Little Egret, 6x Greenshank, Dunlin, 3x Ringed Plover, Curlew, Snipe, 2x Wigeon, (RPo)

                                                    White Stork by Richard Powell

Belvide Resv

Lesser Scaup still, Osprey thru at 09:00, 24x Black-tailed Godwits briefly, 4x Common Sandpiper, 4x Ringed Plover, 2x LRP, 2x Hobby,

Uttoxeter Quarry

2x Greenshank, Ruff, Green Sandpiper, 5x Curlew, 3x Great Egret, 8x Little Egret, 9x Wigeon, Barnacle x Nene hybrid Goose, (RPo)


Early morning 3x Redstart, Whinchat, 2x Wheatear, 4x Stonechat, Tree Pipit, (RTo)  -  mid morning 2x Whinchat, 2x Wheatear, 3x Redstart, 4x Stonechat, Lesser Whitethroat, Willow Warbler, (RGi, IBu  -  mid afternoon now 4x Whinchat, (RSu)

                                                              Redstart by Clive Wood

Stanley Pool

Lesser Whitethroat on south side, flock of 17x Mistle Thrush flew east, (GBr)

Endon - Denford

Red Kite, Wheatear, 2x Willow Tit, 27x Lapwing, Snipe, 2x Little Grebe, (DCo)

Tittesworth Water

Great Egret, Common Gull, Snipe, 21x Lapwing, 35x Mandarin, 9x Teal, (SGi, IB, CL, AP)


Whinchat, 7x Little Egret, 36x Shoveler, (MSc)

Ford Green

Spotted Flycatcher on Hawthorne Hill, (JJo)

Friday 30 August 2024

Friday 30th August 2024

Middleton Lakes

Pectoral Sandpiper to 07:30, and a Greenshank, (SPA)  -  in addition Redshank, Black-tailed Godwit, 2x Ringed Plover, 8x Snipe, Common Sandpiper, 34x Little Egret, 3x Great Egret, (MSm)  -  Pectoral Sandpiper back on West scrape at 14:50, (DLe) - Water Rail, Hobby, 3x Common Tern thru, (MPo)

Stanley Pool

Ringed Plover flew west, 2x Snipe, 2x Teal, (GBr)


Whinchat, 2x Stonechat, Snipe, Lesser Whitethroat, (RGi)  -  this evening Redstart, Whinchat, 4x Stonechat, (IBu)

                                                           Whinchat by Clive Wood

Belvide Resv

Juv Wood Sandpiper, juv Ruff, Lesser Scaup still, 

Blithfield Resv

Whinchat, 4x Wheatear, 42x Little Egret, 7x Greenshank, (MDJ, GJM)

Branston GPs

Black-tailed Godwit, Snipe, 4x Common Sandpiper, 4x Green Sandpiper, 3x Ringed Plover, 7x Curlew, 126x Lapwing, 16x Little Egret, Shelduck, 12x Pochard, 5x Wigeon, 38x Shoveler, 105x Gadwall, 56x Teal, 110x Little Grebe, 2x Hobby, Green Woodpecker, Garden Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat, 2x Swift, 14x Linnet, (JWo, DSc, CEc, Dean, George)

                                                 Black-tailed Godwit by Jon Woodcock

Tittesworth Water

Common Sandpiper, 14x Lapwing, Little Egret, 16x Teal, (TEe)


Dipper on the River Churnet Abbey Green Road, (EWi)

Thursday 29 August 2024

Thursday 29th August 2024

Middleton Lakes

Pectoral Sandpiper at West Scrape to 13:50 at least, 3x Garganey, Ruff, Black-tailed Godwit, 3x Ringed Plover, LRP, Common Sandpiper, Hobby, Lesser Whitethroat, (MSm) 

Tittesworth Water

Great Egret, (IFe, GWo) -  Common Sandpiper, Snipe, 12x Lapwing, 24x Mandarin, (JOa)

                                                        Great Egret by Geoff Woodward

Stanley Pool

Ringed Plover over this am, (GBr)


Red Kite at The Leys this am,  (IssacB)


Wheatear (possible  Greenland candidate), 3x House Martin, 10x Linnet, (RGi)


Peregrine over at 11:57, (RPl)

Branston GPs

3x Ringed Plover, 3x Green Sandpiper, 3x Common Sandpiper, 5x Curlew, 2x Oystercatcher, 112x Lapwing, 10x Little Egret, Ruddy Shelduck, 14x Pochard, Shelduck, Wigeon, 31x Shoveler, 142x Gadwall, 58x Teal, 102x Little Grebe, YL Gull, Hobby, Swift, Red Malachite Beetle, (JWo)

                                                     Ruddy Shelduck by Jon Woodcock

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Wednesday 28th August 2024

Blithfield Resv

Whimbrel in Blithe Bay this am,  (GJM)  -  Black Tern, 6x Common Sandpiper, Dunlin, Green Sandpiper, 5x Greenshank, 35x Ringed Plover, 3x Ruff, Whimbrel, 11x Great Egret, 29x Little Egret, 35x Common Tern, 2x Hobby, Red Kite, 15x Yellow Wagtail, (SE,HF)  -  Also ad Caspian Gull, 4x YL Gull, (SRi)

Uttoxeter Quarry

3x Ringed Plover, 3x Green Sandpiper, 8x Curlew, Ruff, 2x Great Egret, 3x Little Egret, YL Gull, 4x Pochard, 5x Shoveler, 40x Teal, (RPo)

Belvide Resv

Adult Black Tern, 3x Greenshank this afternoon,

Tittesworth Water

Ringed Plover, 35x Mandarin, 12x Teal, 12x Lapwing, (SGi)

Middleton Lakes

6x Garganey west scrape, 4x Curlew, 2x Black-tailed Godwit, Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper, 7x Great Egret, (Mercian Birding)

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Tuesday 27th August 2024

Middleton Lakes

3x Garganey, 2x Black-tailed Godwit, 3x Ringed Plover, Swifts, no sign of Little Stint by 10:30, (SPa)  - 5x Garganey this am (4 Canal Scrape and 1 JW South), (Mercian Birding).

Whitemoor Haye

14x Little Grebe, 10x Gadwall, 32x Shoveler, 6x Pochard, 5x GC Grebe, 39x Egyptian Geese, 2x Peregrine, Great Egret, 5x Little Egret, 73x Lapwing, (SCo)

Belvide Resv

Lesser Scaup still, Caspian Gull, 6x Common Sandpiper, 7x Ringed Plover, LRP, Red Kite, 5x Yellow Wagtail, 3x Common Tern, 6x Little Grebe, 8x Swift

Trentham Gardens

Reed Warbler, 3x Gadwall, 4x Little Egret, 50x House Martin, (RGi)

Branston GPs

Turnstone, 2x Greenshank, 9x Curlew, 3x Green Sandpiper, 2x Common Sandpiper, LRP (juv), Snipe, 26x Lapwing, 8x Little Egret, Water Rail, 42x Pochard, 94x Gadwall, 47x Shoveler, 54x Teal, Wigeon, Shelduck (juv), 104x Little Grebe, 2x Common Tern, 2x Peregrine (juvs), Yellow Wagtail, Cetti's Warbler, 50x Linnet, 3x Swift, (JWo)


Redstart in paddocks off Ebstree Lane, YL Gull, Hobby, Peregrine, 3x Little Egret, 4x Little Grebe, (IMo)

Monday 26 August 2024

Monday 26th August 2024

Doxey Marsh

Marsh Harrier (cream crown) between Creswell and the M6, (GPr, RRa)

Middleton Lakes

Little Stint JW south, 5x Garganey, 4x Ringed Plover, 2x Black-tailed Godwit, 7x Snipe, Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, 4x Common Tern (MSm)  -  Redstart

Belvide Resv

Lesser Scaup still, juv Caspian Gull, 

Blithfield Resv

13x Great Egret in Tad Bay this am, (GJM),   -  11x Great Egret and 12x Little Egret at 13:30,  (AWa) - In addition 13x Great Egret in Tad Bay (and possibly some movement into Blithe Bay), 17x Ringed Plover, Dunlin, 2x Ruff, 2x Curlew, Redshank, 5x Greenshank, 2x Common Sandpiper, (GWi)

Tittesworth Water

3x Ringed Plover, 2x Common Sandpiper, 12x Lapwing, 10x Teal, 5x Mandarin, (SGi)

                                                         Ringed Plovers by Steve Gibson


The long staying Shag still, 11x Swift, (CMa, LRM)

Branston GPs

90x Little Grebe, 6x Little Egret, Wigeon, 80x Gadwall, 30x Shoveler, 24x Pochard, Peregrine, 6x Curlew, 2x Green Sandpiper, 2x Common Sandpiper, YL Gull, 2x Swift, Cetti's Warbler, (DSc)

Sunday 25 August 2024

Sunday 25th August 2024

Blithfield Resv

24x Arctic Tern thru NW in two groups (9 at 09:38 and a further 15), (SAR, GJM)  -  3x Greenshank, 8x Great Egret in Tad Bay, (GWi)

Middleton Lakes

2x Garganey, 3x Ringed Plover, 2x LRP, 2x Black-tailed Godwit, 6x Snipe, Greenshank, Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, 3x Common Tern, 31x Little Egret, 3x Great Egret, Yellow Wagtail, (MSm)  -  also a second Greenshank, Peregrine, (DCo)

Stanley Pool

Wheatear, 3x Ringed Plover (2juv), Common Sandpiper, 2x Oystercatcher, (GBr)

Doxey Marsh

Black-tailed Godwit, 2x Ringed Plover, 12x Snipe, 5x Little Egret, Great Egret, (GPr, RRa)

Whitemoor Haye

Green Sandpiper, 2x Common Tern, 11x Pochard, 21x Shoveler, Swift, (ICW)  -  Common Gull, YL Gull, 2x Hobby, Great Egret, 6x Little Egret, 15x Little Grebe, 20x Swift, (SCo)

Belvide Resv

Lesser Scaup still,


Red Kite over, Ruddy Shelduck, (GLy)

Radford Meadows Stafford

Greenshank, 131x Lapwing, Whinchat, Cetti's Warbler, (RSw)

Tittesworth Water

2x Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper, LRP, 8x Mandarin, 11x Lapwing, (JOa, TEe)

Trentham Gardens

2x Hobby, 6x Little Egret, 6x Swift, 4x Gadwall, Mandarin, 40x House Martin, (RGi)

Branston GPs

5x Little Egret, 70x Little Grebe, 4x Egyptian Geese, Shelduck, 50x Gadwall, 10x Pochard, Hobby, Green Sandpiper, 2x Common Tern, Green Woodpecker, 20x Swift, (DSc) - Also Great Egret, Peregrine, Oystercatcher, Common Sandpiper, (SCo)


Saturday 24 August 2024

Saturday 24th August 2024

Blithfield Resv

Female Garganey Tad Bay, (GJM)  -  also 5x Turnstone, Ruff, Common Sandpiper, Caspian Gull all Blithe Bay, (SMG)

Tittesworth Water

Osprey thru south at 10:35, 2x Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper, 2x Goosander, 6x Mandarin, 6x Teal, (SGi)

Belvide Resv

Lesser Scaup still, 11x Common Sandpiper, 5x Ringed Plover, 2x LRP, Greenshank, Snipe, 2x Hobby, 2x Red Kite, 2x Yellow Wagtail, 3x Little Egret, 10x Little Grebe, 

Branston GPs

Ruddy Shelduck flew towards the Water Park at 11:12, Little Egret, 120x Lapwing, Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, Ringed Plover, Snipe, Shelduck, 4x Pochard, Hobby, 4x Swift, Yellow Wagtail, Cetti's Warbler, 4x Lesser Whitethroat, (DSc)

Friday 23 August 2024

Friday 23rd August 2024

Radford Meadows Stafford

Wood Sandpiper still, Greenshank, Black-tailed Godwit, (RBr)

Middleton Lakes

Garganey, 2x Oystercatcher, 4x LRP, Black-tailed Godwit, 8x Snipe, 2x Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, 3x Great Egret, 18x Little Egret, (MSm)

Blithfield Resv

2x adult Caspian Gull in Blithe Bay, (GJM, MDJ)

                                                         Caspian Gull by GJ Mant

Belvide Resv

Lesser Scaup still, 

Stanley Pool

Red Kite, 2x Oystercatcher, (GBr)

Tittesworth Water

2x Ringed Plover, (SGi)

Branston GPs

6x Curlew, 7x Common Sandpiper, 2x Green Sandpiper, LRP (juv), 7x Little Egret, 12x Pochard, Shelduck, Wigeon, 128x Gadwall, 32x Shoveler, 47x Teal, 86x Little Grebe, 8x Common Tern, YL Gull, 2x Green Woodpecker, Red Kite, Swift, (JWo)

Thursday 22 August 2024

Thursday 22nd August 2024

Radford Meadows Stafford

Wood Sandpiper, Greenshank, Black-tailed Godwit still, 80x Lapwing, 4x Snipe, (RBr)

                                                              By Bill Goldstraw

Belvide Resv

Lesser Scaup still, juv Kittiwake

Tittesworth Water

2x LRP, Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper, 11x Lapwing, 7x Mandarin, (JOa)  -  also Hobby, 5x Teal, (TEl)


Great Egret, 3x Little Egret, 6x Common Tern, 18x GC Grebe, 52x Pochard, 6x Gadwall, 2x Egyptian Geese, (JWo)

Middleton Lakes

This Evening Garganey, 4x Ringed Plover (2juvs), juv Black-tailed Godwit, 2x Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, 3x LRP, Ruddy Shelduck, Bittern, Red-breasted Goose of dubious origin, (SPA)

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Wednesday 21st August 2024

Middleton Lakes

4x Garganey, 2x Green Sandpiper, 3x LRP, Common Sandpiper, 3x Great Egret, 24x Little Egret, 22x Snipe, 3x Swift, (SPA)

Blithfield Resv

Caspian Gull still in Blithe Bay this am, (GJM)  -  also 6x Ringed Plover, 2x Greenshank, Green Sandpiper, Ruff, Redshank, Common Sandpiper, 12x Great Egret, Ruddy Shelduck, juv Shelduck, (DBa, PB, CE, KM)  -  this evening causeway into Blithe bay 3x Goosander, 2x Great Egret, 4x hawking Hobby, 2x YL Gull, 50x Common Tern, 21x Ringed Plover, 3x Dunlin, 2x Greenshank, 2x Ruff, 3x Curlew, (SRi)

                                                           Caspian Gull by GJ Mant

Radford Meadows Stafford

Wood Sandpiper on BMW scrape this am, Greenshank, Black-tailed Godwit, (RSw, NGR)


Whinchat, 4x Stonechat, (NDP)

Trentham Gardens

5x Swift, 3x Little Egret, 9x Gadwall, (RGi)

Tittesworth Water

Ringed Plover, 3x Common Sandpiper, 11x Lapwing, Common Gull, 6x Mandarin, 9x Teal, (SGi)

Branston GPs

Whimbrel over calling at 17:16, 2x Curlew, 3x Ringed Plover, Green Sandpiper, 4x Common Sandpiper, 130x Lapwing, 8x Little Egret, 16x Pochard, 29x Shoveler, 98x Gadwall, 72x Teal, Wigeon, 3x Shelduck (1 juv), 72x Little Grebe, 6x Common Tern, Red Kite, Hobby, Green Woodpecker, 4x Swift, (JWo)

Belvide Resv

Lesser Scaup still this afternoon,

Tuesday 20 August 2024

Tuesday 20th August 2024

Middleton Lakes

4x Garganey (3 Canal pool, 1 JW south), 2x Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, juv LRP, 4x Great Egret, (MSm)

Blithfield Resv

2x Black Tern still, (GJM)

Smithpool Park

Common Sandpiper, (RGi)

Stanley Pool

Common Sandpiper, 2x Oystercatcher, (GBr)

Kingsley Holt

Red Kite over the Blacksmith's pub, (per GSt)

Belvide Resv

Lesser Scaup still opposite the Scott hide this evening, 

Branston GPs

2x Green Sandpiper, 2x Curlew, 7x Little Egret, 12x Pochard, Wigeon, 94x Gadwall, 33x Shoveler, 48x Teal, 85x Little Grebe, Egyptian Goose, 9x Common Tern, 3x YL Gull, Green Woodpecker, (JWo)

Trentham Gardens

6x Swift this evening, (DGl)

Monday 19 August 2024

Monday 19th August 2024

Tittesworth Water

Ringed Plover, Snipe, 14x Lapwing, Common Sandpiper, 2x Little Egret, 8x Teal, Willow Tit, (SGi)

Belvide Resv

Lesser Scaup still, 2cy Caspian Gull, Common Sandpiper, 7x Swift, 4x ad Arctic Tern from 16:50, 2x Turnstone thru at 16:05, 2x Garganey still, 

Blithfield Resv

Ruddy Shelduck, Caspian Gull, 8x Great Egret, 20x Little Egret, 4x Common Sandpiper, 3x Dunlin, 3x Green Sandpiper, 2x Greenshank, 4x Ringed Plover, 5x Snipe, Hobby, 5x Swift, 5x Yellow Wagtail, (SE, HF)  -  4x Black Tern St Stephen's approach, Arctic Tern Blithe Bay, (GJM)

Branston GPs

Sanderling, 2x Ringed Plover (1juv), LRP (juv), 2x Green Sandpiper, 5x Curlew, 38x Lapwing, 6x Little Egret, 5x Pochard, 125x Gadwall, 44x Shoveler, 72x Teal, Wigeon, 3x Shelduck (1juv), 73x Little Grebe, 15x Common Tern, 2x Green Woodpecker, Yellow Wagtail, 8x Swift, (JWo)

                                                         Sanderling by Jon Woodcock


Sunday 18 August 2024

Sunday 18th August 2024

Whitemoor Haye

6x Black-tailed Godwit thru at 06:45, 5x Snipe over, (SCo)  -  Common Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper, 2x Oystercatcher, 6x Little Egret, Common Tern, 3x Swift, Cetti's Warbler, Tree Pipit and Yellow Wagtail thru, (ICW)

Belvide Resv

Lesser Scaup for its second day to 19:08 at least, 2x Tree Pipit over, Osprey 13:49 to 14:00 only, 2x Garganey, Goshawk, Hobby, 9x Dunlin, 7x Common Sandpiper, Black-tailed Godwit, 

Blithfield Resv

Adult Caspian Gull top of Blithe Bay  mid morning, Red Kite, 2x Ringed Plover, 2x Dunlin, 3x Greenshank, 3x Green Sandpiper, 12x Snipe, 60x Common Tern, 10x Yellow Wagtail, (SRi)

Stanley Pool

Common Sandpiper, Snipe, 2x Oystercatcher, Red Kite over the dam, Lesser Whitethroat in hedge on south side and a Barn Owl at Stanley Moor, (GBr)

Tittesworth Water

Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, 14x Mandarin, 11x Lapwing, Swift, (JOa, LH, KH, TEe)

Branston GPs

70x Little Grebe, Great Egret, 12x Little Egret, 3x Shelduck, 40x Gadwall, 10x Pochard, 60x Lapwing, 4x Dunlin, 2x Green Sandpiper, 2x Common Sandpiper, Ringed Plover, 2x ad YL Gull, 16x Common Tern, Green Woodpecker, (DSc)

Doxey Marsh

5x Green Sandpiper, 12x Snipe, 10x Little Egret, Great Egret, 6x Water Rail, 33x Shoveler, 10x Gadwall, Wigeon, Redstart, (MBo, WeBS)

Saturday 17 August 2024

Saturday 17th August 2024

Stanley Pool

Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, Oystercatcher, Peregrine, (GBr)

Middleton Lakes

19x Little Egret, 3x Great Egret, Common Sandpiper, 8x Snipe, (SPA)

Tittesworth Water

Hobby, Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, Snipe, 14x Lapwing, Redstart, Shelduck, 17x Mandarin, Willow Tit, (SGi, IB, AP)


2x Red Kite mid morning, (STu)

Cuckoo Bank

Redstart, (GHa)

Branston GPs

Tree Pipit thru SW at 11:50, Red Kite thru south, Hobby, Great Egret, 7x Little Egret, Shelduck, Wigeon, 64x Gadwall, 6x Pochard, 4x Curlew, Ringed Plover, juv LRP, Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, 16x Common Tern, Green Woodpecker, (DSc)


Juv Cuckoo, 3x Little Egret, 3x Common Tern, 36x Pochard, (DSc)

Whitemoor Haye

Great Egret, 7x Little Egret, 3x Common Tern, Hobby, 20x Egyptian Geese, Shelduck, 11x Pochard, 9x Teal, 9x GC Grebe, Cetti's Warbler, 6x Swift, 27x Lapwing, (SCo)


Red Kite over Valley Drive at 12:15, (BPe)

Friday 16 August 2024

Friday 16th August 2024

Middleton Lakes

2x Ruff from 2 Benches, 2x Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, 3x Garganey, (MSm)  -  also Marsh Harrier, 3x LRP, Dunlin, 13x Snipe, (DCo)

Branston GPs

Marsh Harrier (juv), Red Kite, Hobby, 12x Curlew, 6x Common Sandpiper, 2x Green Sandpiper, Ringed Plover, 2x Oystercatcher, 26x Lapwing, Great Egret, 8x Little Egret, Wigeon, 2x Shelduck, 16x Pochard, 28x Shoveler, 54x Teal, 42x Gadwall, 82x Little Egret, 16x Common Tern, Green Woodpecker, (JWo)

Thursday 15 August 2024

Thursday 15th August 2024

Middleton Lakes

6x Garganey still on SE Jubilee, 2x Green Sandpiper, Redshank, (MSm) - also Greenshank, Common Sandpiper, 3x Snipe, 3x Great Egret, (SPA)


Lordship Lane - Dunlin, (RGi)

Blithfield Resv

Adult Caspian Gull briefly Blithe Bay, (GJM)


Red Kite above the A523 Ashbourne Road, (STu)

Wednesday 14 August 2024

Wednesday 14th August 2024

Middleton Lakes

6x Garganey all together in SE bay of JW south, Dunlin, Common Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper, (MSm)

Radford Meadows Stafford

Juv Wood Sandpiper on the BMW scrape (RBr), - Also Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, 3x Snipe (RSw)

Stanley Pool

2x Common Sandpiper, 3x Oystercatcher, (GBr)


Lordship Lane - Hobby, Green Sandpiper, 22x Lapwing, (RGi)

Belvide Resv

Drake Common Scoter, 

Blithfield Resv

Turnstone, 4x Dunlin, 4x Common Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper, Greenshank, LRP, 4x Shelduck, Yellow Wagtail, Great Egrets, Little Egrets, (DBa, CE, KM, ML)  -  Common Scoter, c60x Common Tern, 4x Dunlin, 9x Common Sandpiper, 4x Green Sandpiper, 2x Greenshank, 5x LRP, 8x Ringed Plover, 10x Snipe, 10x Great Egret, 29x Little Egret, 3x Yellow Wagtail, (SE, HF)


2x Arctic Tern (TWy) - 5x Common Tern, 6x LRP (5juv), 2x Oystercatcher, 3x Little Egret, 28x Pochard, 4x Egyptian Geese, 22x GC Grebe, (JWo)


2x Common Tern, 6x Little Egret, 8x Little Grebe, (MSc)

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Tuesday 13th August 2024

Stanley Pool

Little Egret, Common Sandpiper, 3x Oystercatcher, (GBr)

Blithfield Resv

Whimbrel NW thru Blithe Bay, (GJM)  -  Whinchat, 


Lordship Lane - Greenshank, 18x Lapwing, (RGi)

Botterham Locks

2x Spotted Flycatcher below lock then flew towards Sainsburys bridge, (DBa)

Branston GPs

Crossbill over SMP2 heading west (3rd site record), Hobby, 2x Peregrine (juvs), 3x Green Sandpiper, 5x Common Sandpiper, 3x Oystercatcher, 2x Ringed Plover (juvs), 2x LRP (1juv), 8x Curlew, 12x Lapwing, 8x Little Egret, Wigeon, Shelduck (juv), 8x Pochard, 32x Shoveler, 82x Gadwall, 46x Teal, 18x Common Tern, YL Gull, 92x Little Grebe, Green Woodpecker, (JWo)

                                                               Hobby by Jon Woodcock

Belvide Resv

2x Garganey, 3x Little Egret, 

Monday 12 August 2024

Monday 12th August 2024

Blithfield Resv

29x Black Tern, 100+ Common Tern, Turnstone, juv Garganey in Blithe Bay, juv Med Gull, (GJM)  - 41x Black Tern and 3x Arctic Tern late afternoon, (MPR)

Knypersley Resv

3x Oystercatcher, Mandarin (f), 3x Swift, (GB)

Belvide Resv

Osprey thru SE at 11:50.  -  Egyptian Geese, 4x Little Egret, LRP, 3x Stonechat, 2-3 Whinchat, Lesser Whitethroat,  (CMa, RF)

Endon - Denford

Peregrine, Willow Tit, 3x Swift, (DCo)


Whinchat, Wheatear, Lesser Whitethroat, 4x Stonechat, 2x Swift, (NDP)

Tittesworth Water

Greenshank, Common Sandpiper, 3x Common Tern, 4x Goosander, 5x Mandarin, (SGi)

Branston GPs

11x Ruff, Black-tailed Godwit, 8x Curlew, 3x Dunlin, 2x Ringed Plover (juvs),  4x LRP (2juvs), 2x Green Sandpiper, 5x Common Sandpiper, 120x Lapwing, juv Marsh Harrier, 6x Little Egret, 12x Pochard, 26x Shoveler, 93x Gadwall, 32x Teal, Shelduck (juv), 66x Little Grebe, 28x Common Tern, 2x Green Woodpecker, 2x Swift, (JWo)

Radford Meadows Stafford

Wood Sandpiper, Greenshank, 3x Snipe, (RTh)

Sunday 11 August 2024

Sunday 11th August 2024

Whitemoor Haye

2x Great Egret, 13x Little Egret, Hobby, Peregrine, 3x Green Sandpiper, Ringed Plover thru, Snipe, 7x Common Tern, (ICW)


Whinchat, 2x Redstart, 4x Stonechat, (NDP)


5x Tree Pipit, (GCl)

Tittesworth Water

Little Egret, 10x Lapwing, Red Kite, 4x Goosander, 15x Mandarin, Snipe,  (JOa, TEe, KH)

Barton Quarry GP

28x Little Egret, 5x Common Tern, Reed Warbler, (TCo)

Belvide Resv

4x Red Kite, 3x Black-tailed Godwit, 6x Snipe, 7x Common Sandpiper, 3x Whinchat, 3x Stonechat, 6x Little Egret, 

Branston GPs

Marsh Harrier (seen morning and evening), Whimbrel thru south, 4x Black-ailed Godwit, 10x Curlew, 2x LRP, 50x Lapwing, 3x Green Sandpiper, 3x Common Sandpiper, 3x Oystercatcher, Snipe, 20x Common Tern, Wigeon, 20x Shoveler, 70x Gadwall, 10x Little Egret, (DSc)

Saturday 10 August 2024

Saturday 10th August 2024

Blithfield Resv

Juvenile Garganey Tad Bay, (GJM,MPR) 

Stanley Pool

Common Sandpiper, 4x Oystercatcher, (GBr)

Branston GPs

54x Little Grebe, 12x Little Egret, 2x Hobby, Black-tailed Godwit, Ruff, 3x Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, 4x Dunlin, 2x Oystercatcher, 50x Lapwing, 12x Curlew, 5x Egyptian Geese, 2x Mandarin, Shelduck, 50x Gadwall, 40x Teal, 25x Shoveler, 26x Common Tern, 2x Green Woodpecker, (DSc)

Tittesworth Water

2x Hobby, (KBr)

Belvide Resv

2x Redstart, 2x Garganey, 2x Mandarin, 2x Wigeon, Lesser Whitethroat, 5x Common Sandpiper, 6x Little Egret, (RSw)

Friday 9 August 2024

Friday 9th August 2024

Middleton Lakes

Garganey, cream headed Marsh Harrier still, Common Sandpiper, 2x Green Sandpiper, 5x LRP, 3x Black-tailed Godwit, 2x Great Egret, 8x Swift, (SPA)  - 4x Dunlin, 2x Ringed Plover, (DCo)

Blithfield Resv

3x Turnstone, 17x Black-tailed Godwit, Redstart, juv Cuckoo, 9x Great Egret, (MDJ, GJM)

Stanley Pool

Drake Common Scoter, Red Kite, 4x Oystercatcher, (GBr)

Branston GPs

Marsh Harrier (juv), 3x Black-tailed Godwit, 14x Curlew, Ruff, 3x Dunlin, 8x Common Sandpiper, 2x Green Sandpiper, 58x Lapwing, 3x Oystercatcher, 6x Little Egret, 9x Pochard, 51x Gadwall, Shelduck, 59x Little Grebe, 34x Common Tern, YL Gull, Green Woodpecker, (JWo)


Peregrine and Hobby over Birches Estate, (AFi)

Thursday 8 August 2024

Thursday 8th August 2024

Middleton Lakes

11x Black-tailed Godwit, 6x LRP, 2x Green Sandpiper, 6x Great Egret, 

Endon - Denford

Redstart, 3x Garden Warbler, Mandarin, Water Rail, 25x Lapwing, Little Grebe, Willow Tit, (DCo)

Tittesworth Water

14x Mandarin, 4x Goosander, Common Sandpiper, (JOs, LH)  -  4x Common Sandpiper, 2x Willow Tit, 5x Goosander, 5x GC Grebe, (TCo)

Branston GPs

Black-tailed Godwit, Ruff, Greenshank, 2x Green Sandpiper, Ringed Plover, 14x Curlew, 2x Oystercatcher, 16x Little Egret, 12x Pochard, 3x Shelduck, 36x Shoveler, 32x Teal, 64x Gadwall, 71x Little Grebe, 27x Common Tern, (JWo, TWy)

Wednesday 7 August 2024

Wednesday 7th August 2024

Blithfield Resv

Grey Plover, Sanderling, 5x Dunlin, Greenshank, 3x Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, 3x Oystercatcher, 6x Great Egret, 5x Little Egret, (MJa)  -  also 3x YL Gull, 3x Yellow Wagtail, 7x LRP, 8x Great Egret, (DBa, CE)

Middleton Lakes

Garganey, Marsh Harrier, Common Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper, 6x LRP, 2x Great Egret, (SPA)


4x Stonechat, Redstart, - Botteslow Flash Green Sandpiper, Little Egret, Redstart, (RTo)

Tittesworth Water

Hobby, (SGi)

Tucklesholme - Branston Leas

Great Egret, 3x Little Egret, Common Sandpiper, 2x LRP (1juv), 2x Mandarin, 24x Pochard, 151x Tufted Duck, 6x Gadwall, Egyptian Geese, 25x GC Grebe (3juv), 4x Common Tern, (JWo)


2x Red Kite again over mown fields at The Leys at 15:00, (GSt)

Tuesday 6 August 2024

Tuesday 6th August 2024


4x Red Kite over the fields being mown at The Leys, (GSt)


Red Kite, 9x Teal, (GCl)

Branston GPs

Juv Marsh Harrier, Ruff, 13x Curlew, 3x Green Sandpiper, 7x Common Sandpiper, 138x Lapwing, 12x Little Egret, 16x Pochard, 52x Shoveler, 76x Gadwall, 49x Teal, 61x Little Grebe, 34x Common Tern, ad YL Gull, Peregrine, Cetti's Warbler, (JWo, JAl)

Monday 5 August 2024

Monday 5th August 2024

Parkhall CP

4x Willow Tit, Green Woodpecker, (RGi)


Lordship Lane - Green Sandpiper still (RGi)

Doxey Marsh

3x Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, 2x Little Egret, (GPr)

Blithfield Resv

5x Dunlin, Common Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper,, Greenshank, 206x Lapwing, 5x Great Egret, 6x Little Egret, (MJa)

Middleton Lakes

2x Marsh Harrier, 2x Garganey, Great Egret, Little Egret, Common Terns, Hobby, 2x Snipe, (RBe)

                                                      Marsh Harrier by Rob Bendelow

Branston GPs

Marsh Harrier (imm/f), 2x Red Kite, Ruff, Greenshank, 3x Green Sandpiper, 4x Common Sandpiper, 18x Curlew, 3x Oystercatcher, 78x Lapwing, 10x Little Egret, Water Rail, 14x Pochard, Shelduck, 71x Gadwall, 54x Little Grebe, 36x Common Tern, YL Gull (ad), Swift, (JWo, JAl)

Sunday 4 August 2024

Sunday 4th August 2024

Doxey Marsh

Greenshank, 12x Snipe, 2x Green Sandpiper, Hobby, (GPr, RRa)

Radford Meadows Stafford

Whinchat still, Cetti's Warbler, Little Egret, 9x Snipe, 30x Lapwing, 2x juv Peregrine, (RSw)


4x Green Sandpiper, 5x Common Tern,  (ICW)

Whitemoor Haye

Red Kite, Peregrine, 2x Grey Partridge, LRP, Curlew thru, (ICW)

Branston GPs

Wood Sandpiper on Ashy pit in front of the viewpoint also 18x Curlew, Oystercatcher,  (CEc, Dean, JWo)  -  additional Ruff, 2x Green Sandpiper, 3x Common Sandpiper, 70x Lapwing, 12x Little Egret, 2x Mandarin, 24x Shoveler, 14x Pochard, 2x YL Gull, 24x Common Tern, Green Woodpecker, Cetti's Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat, (DSc)

                                                      Wood Sandpiper by Jon Woodcock

Belvide Resv

Wood Sandpiper, 

Tittesworth Water, 

14x Mandarin, Common Sandpiper, 4x Lapwing, (JOa, LH)

Middleton Lakes

2x fem/juv Garganey, 3x LRP, 4x Great Egret, (JAl)


Marsh Harrier west over A38/B5016 junction at 18:45, (PAn)

Swinscoe - Mayfield

Red Kite over A52 at 15:00, (GSt)

Saturday 3 August 2024

Saturday 3rd August 2024

Middleton Lakes

Drake and 2 female Garganey, LRP, female Marsh Harrier still, (SPA)

Uttoxeter Quarry

Juv Marsh Harrier again at 09:30, Green Sandpiper, 2x Common Tern, Little Egret, Willow Tit, (RPo)

Blithfield Resv

11x Great Egret, 25x Little Egret, Whimbrel heard, Greenshank, 4x Common Sandpiper, 50x Common Tern, Red Kite, (RPo)


Satnall Hill - 5x Spotted Flycatcher (family group), (RSw)

Branston GPs

Fem Marsh Harrier, 40x Little Grebe, 5x Little Egret, , Shelduck, 70x Gadwall, 16x Pochard, 60x Lapwing, 15x Curlew, 2x Common Sandpiper, 20x Common Tern, Green Woodpecker, Swift, (DSc)

Friday 2 August 2024

Friday 2nd August 2024

Stanley Pool

LRP, 2x Snipe, 4x Oystercatcher, Swift, (GBr) 

Middleton Lakes

Eclipse and female Garganey this am, Green Sandpiper, 7x Common Tern, (SPA)  -  Red-necked Phalarope this afternoon viewed from two benches on JW north to 20:15 at least also Great Egret, 

Belvide Resv

Juv Med Gull, juv YL Gull, 2x Garganey still, 


Red Kite again at 11:00, (GSt)

Branston GPs

9x Common Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper, 15x Curlew, 4x Oystercatcher, 145x Lapwing, 9x Little Egret, Goosander, 16x Pochard, Shelduck, 87x Gadwall, 52x Little Grebe, 33x Common Tern, Hobby, Cetti's Warbler, (JWo, DSc)

Thursday 1 August 2024

Thursday 1st August 2024

Stanley Pool

Greenshank, 4x Oystercatcher, 11x Teal, (GBr)

Middleton Lakes

 Garganey from the benches, (GG)

Blithfield Resv

8x Great Egret, 36x Little Egret, (MDJ, GJM)

Branston GPs

2x Green Sandpiper, 6x Common Sandpiper, 2x Ringed Plover (1juv), 15x Curlew, 129x Lapwing, 4x Oystercatcher, 14x Little Egret, 22x Pochard, 4x Shelduck, 84x Gadwall, 32x Teal, Mandarin, 59x Little Grebe, 29x Common Tern, YL Gull, Common Gull, 2x Green Woodpecker, 3x Hobby, Peregrine, (JWo, DSc, George).