Thursday 29 August 2024

Thursday 29th August 2024

Middleton Lakes

Pectoral Sandpiper at West Scrape to 13:50 at least, 3x Garganey, Ruff, Black-tailed Godwit, 3x Ringed Plover, LRP, Common Sandpiper, Hobby, Lesser Whitethroat, (MSm) 

Tittesworth Water

Great Egret, (IFe, GWo) -  Common Sandpiper, Snipe, 12x Lapwing, 24x Mandarin, (JOa)

                                                        Great Egret by Geoff Woodward

Stanley Pool

Ringed Plover over this am, (GBr)


Red Kite at The Leys this am,  (IssacB)


Wheatear (possible  Greenland candidate), 3x House Martin, 10x Linnet, (RGi)


Peregrine over at 11:57, (RPl)

Branston GPs

3x Ringed Plover, 3x Green Sandpiper, 3x Common Sandpiper, 5x Curlew, 2x Oystercatcher, 112x Lapwing, 10x Little Egret, Ruddy Shelduck, 14x Pochard, Shelduck, Wigeon, 31x Shoveler, 142x Gadwall, 58x Teal, 102x Little Grebe, YL Gull, Hobby, Swift, Red Malachite Beetle, (JWo)

                                                     Ruddy Shelduck by Jon Woodcock