Monday 2 September 2024

Monday 2nd September 2024

Blithfield Resv

17x Great Egret, (Blithfield  record count), 7x Black Tern briefly, (MPR, GJM)  -  White Stork still Tad Bay, (CMa, RFe)                                            

Belvide Resv

Lesser Scaup, Pectoral Sandpiper, 3x Garganey, 

                                                     Pectoral Sandpiper by Steve Edwards

Stanley Pool

Dunlin, Common Sandpiper, Lesser Whitethroat, (GBr)

Branston GPs

Turnstone, 3x Greenshank, 2x Ringed Plover, 2x Snipe, 5x Curlew, 4x Green Sandpiper, 4x Common Sandpiper, 131x Lapwing, 14x Little Egret, 65x Pochard, 103x Gadwall, 67x Shoveler, 109x Teal, 4x Wigeon, 2x Shelduck, 116x Little Grebe, ad GBB Gull, 2x ad Common Gull, 2x ad YL Gull, 2x Green Woodpecker, juv Marsh Harrier, Hobby, 2x Whinchat, 3x Greenfinch, 15x Linnet, (JWo)

Tittesworth Water

Ringed Plover (not the coloured ringed bird), 2x Common Sandpiper, 2x Snipe, 17x Lapwing, 39x Mandarin, 12x Teal, Goosander, (SGi)

Trentham Gardens

Little Egret, 6x Gadwall, 25x House Martin, (RGi)


Lordship Lane - 24x Lapwing, (RGi)


Whinchat in Old Orchard, (TPe)


8x Whinchat, 12x Wheatear, 2x Redstart, and 2x Little Egret at Botteslow, (RTo)