4x Black Tern at the deep end (MPR GMT) - Juv Little Stint, 3x Dunlin at the causeway.
Tad Bay Common Crane, 2x Osprey, Wood Sandpiper, Peregrine, 2x Wigeon, 3x Greenshank, 6x Little Egret, 2x Yellow-legged Gull (RPo, CCo). Tonight 2x Little Stint and 1x Whinchat (GJM)
Crane at Blithfield today by Jon Woodcock |
....and also Osprey also by Jon |
3x Black Tern, 2x Garganey still, 5x Ruff
Gailey Res
8x Common Sandpipers, ad Common Gull, 2x Common Tern, 5x Swift (@TheSnapper1978)
Whitemoor Haye
Juv Whinchat along the conveyor belt (@AlrewasBirder)
Silverdale CP
Cuckoo Blackbank bottom of Silverdale track track at 11:00 (PJ)
Red Kite over south (BTa)
Common Tern, LR Plover, Common Sandpiper (SGi)
2x Whinchat, 6x Redstart, 3x Wheatear, 3x Spotted Flycatcher (NDP RT)