Community Noticeboard
Saturday 5th March
Oulton Village Hall, Kibblestone Road, Oulton, Stone ST15 8ND
Connecting Birders across Staffordshire
This conference will run from 10:00hrs to 15:00hrs with a series of short talks from various groups involved in birdwatching in Staffordshire. There will also be a chance to ask questions. Some of those in attendance include the RSPB with representatives from Middleton Lakes and Coombes Valley, the County Recorder, WMBC, Brewood Ringers' Group, BTO and @Staffsbirdnews. The event is being facilitated by RSPB North Staffs Local Group. Tickets are just £5 and can be ordered by post (or collected on the day from the venue) from :-
Birders Conference, 38, Pilkington Avenue, Newcastle, ST5 3RE.
You can also pay on the door on the day. Ther will be free coffee and tea on arrival.
For further information email
AqualateDrake American Wigeon again present
Male Black Redstart still on the airfield (STu)
Short-eared Owl still by the scrape at 16:50 (DB)
Gailey Res
2x Goosander, 7x Gadwall, 2x Shoveler, 25x Pochard & Tawny Owl (SRi)
Belvide Res
1w drake Scaup still
Adult YL Gull in the roost (@CWG_sightings)